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Omar Masroor

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Omar Masroor last won the day on December 13 2016

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  1. The best DFW scenery gets even better. Hi everyone. I'm pleased to announce a free major update to DFW that includes a whopping 30 improvements/fixes for issues reported to me by the community and that I noticed myself. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages/posted on my topics pointing out the various different issues. Here are the changes: All scenery elements are now correctly aligned with the ground layout New custom files for World Traffic v3 and updated files for X-Life v2.0 support LAHSO lights now stay on during the day and pulsate at the FAA-designated rate (1.72s ON, 0.46s OFF) Added missing MALSR approach lighting on Runway 31R Added missing taxiway centerline + edge lights and intermediate hold short markings on the aircraft overpasses Added missing apron lights on the underside of the Skylink tracks Added AutoGate marshallers to eligible gates/stands with no A-VDGS Added missing night lighting on the Skylink cars and tracks Added missing jet blast deflectors throughout the airport Added the three missing ramp towers Added the two missing radar towers with animated spinning dishes Added the missing American flag and American Airlines plaque at the Terminal A-C Connector Added the missing Maverick VOR/DME structure Added missing parking sheds north of Terminal E Added missing fuel tanks at well drilling sites throughout the airport Added wind-dependent ATC traffic flows to runways and one-way directionality to parallel taxi routes Added the service roads that run parallel to International Pkwy Fixed streetlights protruding through the aircraft overpasses Fixed Skylink track pillars protruding through PBBs and GSE Fixed visual artifacts on the aircraft overpasses Fixed default AI aircraft not using the airport Fixed color of high-pressure sodium apron lights and added an individual 'billboard' for each lamp housing Fixed PBBs not connected to the Terminal B Stinger Fixed position of RIDS displays for Gates B1-B3 Fixed flickering parts of the Skylink tracks Fixed visible seams between orthoimagery tiles Fixed sky visibility through translucent windows Fixed missing interior wall sections of Terminals A-C & E Fixed flickering interior wall sections of Terminal D Reduced the probability of incorrect airlines at Terminals D & E when using the MisterX static aircraft library New custom files for World Traffic v3: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/41898-world-traffic-v3-files-for-aerosofts-dallasfort-worth-intl-kdfw-scenery/ Updated files for X-Life v2.0: http://jardesign.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=15319 The update for both the X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 versions of the scenery has been pushed to Aerosoft today and should be released to customers soon. If you have any questions regarding the changes, please feel free to ask
  2. The best DFW scenery gets even better. Hi everyone. I'm pleased to announce a free major update to DFW that includes a whopping 30 improvements/fixes for issues reported to me by the community and that I noticed myself. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages/posted on my topics pointing out the various different issues. Here are the changes: All scenery elements are now correctly aligned with the ground layout New custom files for World Traffic v3 and updated files for X-Life v2.0 support LAHSO lights now stay on during the day and pulsate at the FAA-designated rate (1.72s ON, 0.46s OFF) Added missing MALSR approach lighting on Runway 31R Added missing taxiway centerline + edge lights and intermediate hold short markings on the aircraft overpasses Added missing apron lights on the underside of the Skylink tracks Added AutoGate marshallers to eligible gates/stands with no A-VDGS Added missing night lighting on the Skylink cars and tracks Added missing jet blast deflectors throughout the airport Added the three missing ramp towers Added the two missing radar towers with animated spinning dishes Added the missing American flag and American Airlines plaque at the Terminal A-C Connector Added the missing Maverick VOR/DME structure Added missing parking sheds north of Terminal E Added missing fuel tanks at well drilling sites throughout the airport Added wind-dependent ATC traffic flows to runways and one-way directionality to parallel taxi routes Added the service roads that run parallel to International Pkwy Fixed streetlights protruding through the aircraft overpasses Fixed Skylink track pillars protruding through PBBs and GSE Fixed visual artifacts on the aircraft overpasses Fixed default AI aircraft not using the airport Fixed color of high-pressure sodium apron lights and added an individual 'billboard' for each lamp housing Fixed PBBs not connected to the Terminal B Stinger Fixed position of RIDS displays for Gates B1-B3 Fixed flickering parts of the Skylink tracks Fixed visible seams between orthoimagery tiles Fixed sky visibility through translucent windows Fixed missing interior wall sections of Terminals A-C & E Fixed flickering interior wall sections of Terminal D Reduced the probability of incorrect airlines at Terminals D & E when using the MisterX static aircraft library New custom files for World Traffic v3: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/41898-world-traffic-v3-files-for-aerosofts-dallasfort-worth-intl-kdfw-scenery/ Updated files for X-Life v2.0: http://jardesign.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=15319 The update for both the X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 versions of the scenery has been pushed to Aerosoft today and should be released to customers soon. If you have any questions regarding the changes, please feel free to ask.
  3. Important: The Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix.zip file I posted in my previous post was causing AI traffic to taxi through the elevated overpasses instead of over them. Please download the new Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip file from my previous post instead.
  4. Important: The Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix.zip file I posted in my previous post was causing AI traffic to taxi through the elevated overpasses instead of over them. Please download the new Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip file from my previous post instead.
  5. Crucial Bug Fix for Aerosoft Dallas/Fort Worth Intl A user has pointed out to me that crossing the elevated overpasses on Taxiways A/B/Y/Z may cause your aircraft to abruptly jump a few feet into the air and suffer from a tailstrike or other form of damage. Use this fix to to diminish the issue: Download the Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip file attached to this post. Extract the archive. Copy the extracted 220.obj file and place it in your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_5_Scenery/ folder, overwriting the previous file. Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip
  6. Crucial Bug Fix for Aerosoft Dallas/Fort Worth Intl A user has pointed out to me that crossing the elevated overpasses on Taxiways A/B/Y/Z may cause your aircraft to abruptly jump a few feet into the air and suffer from a tailstrike or other form of damage. Use this fix to to diminish the issue: Download the Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip file attached to this post. Extract the archive. Copy the extracted 220.obj file and place it in your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_5_Scenery/ folder, overwriting the previous file. Aerosoft_KDFW_Overpass_Fix_#2.zip
  7. Now available. The scenery is now available on the Aerosoft Online Shop. Check out the new launch trailer, feature list and full-resolution screenshots here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/12911-available-now-aerosoft-dallasfort-worth-intl-for-xp-10-11/
  8. The new flagship for X-Plane. Hello everyone. I'm pleased to announce that my new scenery for X-Plane is now available on the Aerosoft Online Shop. Check out the launch trailer below: Sprawled across 18,076 acres of land—an area larger than the island of Manhattan—DFW is the world's third largest airport. With 681,244 aircraft movements in 2015, it is also the world's third busiest airport. 7 runways, 5 terminals, 165 gates and 3 control towers help accommodate the 1,845 daily flights. DFW is the headquarters and the largest hub of American Airlines, the world's largest airline. Features 30 cm/pixel orthoimagery and 1 cm/pixel custom ground detail/markings Airport lighting and pavement markings closely follow FAA/ACI standards Terminals with interiors modelled using actual architectural drawings Modelled aircraft overpasses crossing International Parkway Ray-traced ambient occlusion, local illumination and specular mapping Uses advanced X-Plane features such as decal shading and 3D spill lights Animated passenger boarding bridges and Safedock® A-VDGS at all gates (using the freely available AutoGate plugin by Jonathan Harris)* Animated road traffic and Skylink APM Works with the ‘Draw Parked Aircraft’ feature introduced in X-Plane 10.50 Complete taxiway network for use by ATC and AI aircraft Fully compatible with the X-Life plugin by JARDesign* Makes full use of the new ground service vehicles introduced in X-Plane 11 Thousands of hand-placed objects such as parked cars and streetlights Parked cars, streetlights and terminal interiors can be individually turned on/off to optimize performance* Uses 4K textures to maximize performance by minimizing draw calls * = view the manual for instructions View more videos of the scenery here: https://goo.gl/KxxWF7 -- Click on each screenshot below to view the full detail of the scenery in gorgeous 1920 x 1080 pixels --
  9. To get it to work, you have to copy the GNS430 folder from X-Plane 10/Resources to your X-Plane 11/Resources folder. Also, it takes a long time to start on the first start up (the loading screen will be stuck at "Will initialize plugins." for a while but be patient). However, I suggest you wait for X-Life to be officially updated for X-Plane 11.
  10. 'X-Life' Teaser Hello everyone. Check out the new teaser of DFW for X-Plane 10 & 11. This video showcases how the X-Life plugin by JARDesign works with the scenery to achieve spectacular AI traffic. The integration supports accurate placement of AI aircraft according to their size, a complete taxiway network and also parallel runway operations. The video is shot completely in X-Plane 11's beautiful new rendering engine. Check it out in 1080p:
  11. Progress Update Hello everyone. I'd like to thank you all for waiting patiently for the release of this product. I am pleased to announce that the scenery will be released for both X-Plane 10 and 11. The product is 95% complete and the only tasks left to do are adding taxi routes, static and animated apron vehicles, parked vehicles, volumetric grass and X-Life compatibility. I expect to complete the scenery and submit it to Aerosoft for beta testing in the beginning of December. Please note that it will take some time for Aerosoft to test the scenery, fix any bugs and distribute it to the different stores. Meanwhile, please enjoy the following screenshots captured in X-Plane 11's beautiful new rendering engine. -- Click on each screenshot below to view the full detail of the scenery in gorgeous 1920 x 1080 pixels --
  12. Check out my new project, Dallas/Fort Worth Intl, here: http://goo.gl/UEHdPQ
  13. What a great time to fly in X-Plane. Hello everyone. Following the recent trend of ultra-high quality add-ons for X-Plane 10, I am excited to announce my new project—the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (KDFW) scenery. Although the scenery is currently a work in progress, you can check out the completed Terminal D in 1080p in this video: Sprawled across 18,076 acres of land—an area larger than the island of Manhattan—DFW is the world's third largest airport. With 681,244 aircraft movements in 2015, it is also the world's third busiest airport. 7 runways, 5 terminals, 165 gates and 3 control towers help accomodate the 1,845 daily flights. DFW is the headquarters and the largest hub of American Airlines, the world's largest airline. Planned features (not a final list): Up-to-date scenery with all airport facilities 30 cm/pixel orthoimagery and 1 cm/pixel custom ground detail/markings Airport lighting and pavement markings closely follow FAA/ACI standards Terminals with interiors modelled using actual architectural drawings Modelled aircraft overpasses crossing International Parkway Ray-traced ambient occlusion, local illumination and specular mapping Uses advanced X-Plane features such as decal shading and 3D spill lights Animated passenger boarding bridges and Safedock® A-VDGS at all gates (using the freely available AutoGate plugin by Jonathan Harris) Animated apron vehicles, road traffic and Skylink APM Compatible with the static aircraft features introduced in X-Plane 10.50 Complete taxiway network with traffic flows for use by ATC and AI aircraft Volumetric Grass Scenery features can be individually turned on/off to optimize performance Designed using efficient modelling techniques for maximum performance Uses 4K textures to maximise performance by minimizing draw calls Flexible Performance Users will be able to individually turn scenery features on or off in order to optimize the performance of the scenery for their respective systems. For example, if volumetric grass is too much for your system to handle, you can simply turn it off, thereby increasing performance. Some other things you will be able to turn off are terminal interiors, terminal details, animated vehicles, apron vehicles, parked vehicles, etc. Other features, such as the number of trees, road traffic and 3D lights will be controlled by X-Plane's built-in settings. This way, users will have complete control over the balance of performance and quality and will be able to use the scenery on even the slowest systems. Dynamic Static Aircraft DFW will use the new dynamic system for static aircraft that will be introduced in X-Plane 10.50. Details of the new system can be found here: http://goo.gl/pLb0O2 Release Date: Expected Fall 2016 KRSW: Also check out my previous project, Southwest Florida Intl, here: http://goo.gl/R5g0l4 -- Click on each screenshot below to view the full detail of the scenery in gorgeous 1920 x 1080 pixels -- 30 cm/pixel orthoimagery 1 cm/pixel ground detail Ray Tracing, Ambient Occlusion, Specular Mapping Details, Details, Details Animated PBBs, Safedock® A-VDGS, 3D Spill Lights Swing Gates, Holdrooms, Concessions Atrium, Admirals Club®, Sterile Corridor
  14. If you see a strange 'shadow' or 'waves' on the runway, follow these instructions to fix it: 1. Navigate to the folder X-Plane 10/Custom Scenery/Aerosoft KRSW 2_Scenery/ 2. Find the file 847.pol and rename it to 847BAK.pol 3. Download the 847.pol file attached to this post and place it in the X-Plane 10/Custom Scenery/Aerosoft KRSW 2_Scenery/ folder You will no longer see the runway grooves and the associated artifacts. If, however, you want to get the runway grooves back, simply reverse the above procedure. 847.pol
  15. By default, Static Aircraft and Volumetric Grass are disabled in the scenery. Here are detailed instructions on how to enable them: 1. Quit X-Plane 2. Navigate to your X-Plane 10/Custom Scenery/Aerosoft KRSW 2_Scenery/ folder 3. Here you will find four folders, namely: Earth nav data Earth nav data.Base+Static Aircraft Earth nav data.Base+Static Aircraft+VolGrass Earth nav data.Base+VolGrass 4. Rename the Earth nav data folder to Earth nav data.Base 5. Choose one of the other three folders and rename it to Earth nav data (for example, if you want to enable both Static Aircraft and Volumetric Grass, rename Earth nav data.Base+Static Aircraft+VolGrass to Earth nav data). X-Plane only uses the folder that you name "Earth nav data". Note: Enabling Volumetric Grass may have a significant performance impact on some systems.
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