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Everything posted by mjrhealth

  1. I dont think it really matters as i think its for fuel burn planning as once you are up there it corrects itself anyway, but im no pilot.
  2. Where did you fit free update for customers who purchased the IXEG 737 on or after February 7th, 2022. For customers having purchased the IXEG 737 on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade will be a paid upgrade of $14.95 USD.
  3. https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/27471-update-152-popout-window-issue/
  4. Every time you get an IXEG update you need to redown load the installer, its how they do it on this store.
  5. 1.52 is for XP12 only. Its listed as such
  6. It may be worthwhile for this plane, to have a pop up that reminds people to back up there navdata before continuing, at least until the FMS upgraded to xp12 format
  7. Sorry this doesnt work either, I have to go through the plugins window. Log.txt
  8. Yes you must uninstall old, its a drag, back up the navdata or it will be updated with original old ver
  9. Glad you reminded me better back it up
  10. Post your log.txt after you try so we csn smile.
  11. Yes I knew that, just wasnt mentioned in release notes. Thanks
  12. mjrhealth

    IXEG N2

    Hi, I did a test run on the 737, it appears that the N2 bug is fixed, N2 was certainly slower to start, Can you confirm this or is it my terrible imagination. Cheers
  13. Its getting done now, its seems to be prioritised, you should be happy. How long did you expect it to take, 5 min.
  14. Because you should have got an email with a key, and you obviously never read any further, and you should have raised it when you looked at the purchase. it was discussed many times. I can only assume you have unticked getting update emails.
  15. While you are on the subject of radios the coms radio always default to 118.0 they dont remember last used freq.
  16. you can assign the default take off go around to a button. its not that hard to reach
  17. Simply put. You cannot just copy all your xp11 plugins and scenerey into 12. Thats how things get broken. Secondly all you do is look for errors, it not that hard. Missing, broken imcompatble Error Make sure you have latest ver of plugins.
  18. Sometimes you need to read your log. Y This was first in plugind. D:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl : Error Code = 126 : The specified module could not be found. D:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/AutoGate/win.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. AviTab version 0.5.1 Loaded: D:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/AviTab/win_x64/AviTab.xpl (org.solhost.folko.avitab).
  19. I have all these, they not all teh same
  20. Which ones did you install, to clarify the question.
  21. Which C++ libraries there are a few
  22. Have you updated airhauler Air Hauler 2 (XP11) Changelog Latest Update: 2023/08/01 The below log shows all updates for this product since release: v3.0.1.0 - Fixed issue with UTC time conversion when pushing job to VA - Added Pilot & NPC character portraits - Added NPC reputation to available mission description - Supply missions - removed the From ICAO as it was confusing people, it is now left blank - When asked to clear the Pilot log, answering No will now leave it as is - Pax config aircraft have a reduction of 30% cargo capacity (to reflect seats etc) - Resolved issue which would result in all commodity markets closure if airport missing - XP - the AH2 XP11 plugin now supports XP12 (minimum version 11.50+) - Export button added to AI Pilot flight log toolbar - Fixed issue preventing mission generation - Prevented AH2 updating the Aircraft import list after importing an aircraft before closing the window - Added pilot/fleet map filter options in Accepted Missions window You can also get rid of Skunkcraft updater as they now have a standalone version that is not a plugin, which helps with start up times and update delays. XPUIPC is still waiting a promised update, maybe in 100 years. And as mentioned above Sam is notorious for causing issues plenty of posts on that one.
  23. @Litjan i wasnt talking about crew talking to passengers, im talking about cabin crew response to pilot. Doesnt plot push button chimes in cabin, cabin crew push button that chimes in cockpit to let pilot know cabins ready.
  24. Please correct me if i am wrong, but this may be a simple thing to add to the immersion, But before take off and landing, Pilot presses button to let Cabin know they are taking off or landing , than the Cabin crew press a button to know that the cabin is ready. Be nice if when the pilot pushes button you get a cabin response between say 15 to 45 seconds letting us know they are ready. I think that would be a first. Dont have to let us know be nice thing say for Q8 pilot to discover/
  25. Oh I see your problem, Move mouse to left corner screen when flight loaded, IXEG pref pop up will show, change it in there, the one you are looking at has nothing to do with IXEG, it is XPLANe pref. And by the way, this method has being around for long time, though many use Tablet these days, But it does change just checked
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