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Everything posted by aquince

  1. Fantastic! I can't wait...
  2. I've really been looking forward to this release. I recently purchased the Hot Start TBM 900 and was disappointed to discover that it won't work on a networked multi-computer home cockpit. Will the SR22 support this kind of setup?
  3. Thanks Frank. I tried the reinstall with no change and the internet connection is solid, so I'll try X-Aviation.
  4. Hi All, I'm having the same problem, just installed and getting no clouds. I'm on OS X Yosemite, so the possible solution in post #5 above doesn't apply. I've attached my log file - it appears the licensing check is failing, but I believe Gizmo is working, but I certainly may be missing something. I appreciate your help! Log.txt
  5. Thanks, I look forward to it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. This looks really interesting to me, and I see that the fps impact is supposed to be lower than with the default clouds. My system is more sensitive to CPU load than GPU (I'm running 3 instances of XP to support forward and 45 deg left and right views with a GTX 980 video card) and I'm wondering where the SkyMaxx load is heavier?
  7. I'm having trouble creating a L/L waypoint in a flight plan. I'm able to choose the L/L type and enter a latitude in decimal degrees, but I can't figure out how to enter the longitude. Is there a button I need to push after the latitude is entered to "advance" the process and allow input of the longitude? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious... Thanks for the help!
  8. That's great, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for the follow-up!
  9. I tried using sim/autopilot/altitude_up and ..._down, and when I press either key I can see that the Selected Altitude value "tries" to change, but then immediately returns to its previous value. Is there another variable in play? Thanks for your help
  10. First I'd like to tell you that I really love flying this plane - thanks for your efforts! I am attempting to map the G1000 knobs to keys (using the 3D cockpit I struggle getting the cursor to the exact spot necessary to make adjustments, especially in flight). I'm mostly there, but I've not been able to identify the correct datarefs for the fine and course ALT adjustment and the CRS/BARO knob push to center the CDI and set the course pointer TO station. Can you point me in the right direction (no pun intended...)? Thanks!
  11. Thanks Jim. As expected, I got the same results. I realize now that I was looking at the map as north up rather than track up, so when I thought my location was west of KAPA, it was actually north. Thanks for the help.
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll check the data when I get back to the computer and let you know what I find. I do a ramp 5 start, which is east of the runways near the tower toward the north end. The fact that the map was showing me .5 miles west is what had me questioning the position, but I will check the numbers. Thanks!
  13. Sorry if this is a duplicate - did a quick search through the forum and didn't see this issue addressed. When I start up X-Plane I'm parked on the ramp at KAPA. But, the moving map shows me 0.5 mile west of the airport. NRST brings up a list of airports, including KAPA at a distance of 0.5 miles. This issue is unique to the Corvalis, including stock X-Plane craft and a payware Baron. I'm on a MacBook Pro running Yosemite. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!
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