Greetings, I have long history in FS the last 2 yrs being exclusively in P3D. A long-time rw flyer I feel it's high time I explored X-Plane. Sorry, I'm finding the marketing a bit confusing. Can some kind soul advise me on where best way to acquire or buy the programme. And if possible, recommended add-ons to get started with. I am English (retired) and living in Spain. Not fluent in Spanish, so I normally order from the UK if they ship to Spain. I prefer downloads. I am confused about Scenery. Is it actually an 'add-on' (as in multiple DVDs)? or does it 'generate its own'? I have seen both advertised. What's the 'Best Of'? What's 'Global'? What's the difference? Where does Aerosoft fit into the picture? No problem, I like Aerosoft but is their offering different to X-Plane 10? An what is X-Plane 11?? I'm keen, any assistance gratefully received. Many thanks, Gareth