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  1. Version 2.1 was updated and includes X-Plane 10, 11 support for Win & Mac. http://websimconnect.webs.com/download Setup program was added for Windows. Mac has no installer but only copy paste is needed. The API was enriched with DataRefs API, i.e. you can call JavaScript functions of your gauge by setting custom DataRefs, which allows to build the systems using for example lua scripting or anything else that can manipulate DataRefs. Additionally there is native JavaScript function that sets the DataRefs, so you have duplex communication between custom plugin (lua, c++) and JavaScript code. The next version 2.2 shall be released soon. It will target P3D and X-Plane for Windows and will include accelerated rendering. The details were posted on FB fun page: even though the post is about FSX/P3d, the same applies for X-Plane and Open GL rendering. Unfortunately, for the moment the acceleration can be achieved only on Windows . Cheers Marcin
  2. A very nice creative example of WebSimGauges used in the PRO aircraft model. Here in the upcoming TORNADO PANAVIA by SSW for FSX/P3D 3 WebSimGauges used in the DEMO (HUD, RPMD moving map, ESRRD - terrain following radar). There is one more gauge not shown in the DEMO - TV-Tab Head-Down Display. The same gauges could be potentially ported to X-Plane for Win and Mac without any effort ! Enjoy Marcin
  3. Thanks Ben for your answers as they get to the point what WebSimGaugeX is all about. Tom, please note, WebSimConnect for FSX/P3D with all its components like WebSimData etc. is a bit more reach than the one for X-Plane. Indeed, for FSX it offers functionalities for cockpit builders with duplex HTTP/WebSocket protocol to exchange the data between the sim and browsed web page. I did not provide such functionalities for X-plane because it already existed in other projects (e.g. HTTP-D plugin). I included WebSimConnextX HTTP simple server just to host some files that might be useful for gauge building (e.g. offline map tiles). For X-Plane it offers mainly X-Plane HTML5 rendering and GUI for Virtual Cockpits as Ben correctly pointed out which can controlled by non HTTP layer (c++, lua) or HTTP layer with some 3rd party X-Plane HTTP server. I am not planning HTTP server connected with X-Plane in the near future just because I do not have the time for it right now. In the next weeks I want to enrich WebSimGaugeX with DataRefs API, i,e, the developers would be able to control the HTML content (HTML doc and JavaScript) by changing DataRefs string values. It would allow to develop HTML6 based instruments with any technology behind (c++, lua and other scripting interfaces) cheers Marcin
  4. MAC OSX 32 and 64 SUPPORT After some heavy development effort I have completed version 2.0 of WebSimConnect Framework. It has two major changes, I replaced the rendering engine (it is not backward compatible with 1.x components of WSC) and developed X-Plane version for Mac OSX 32 and Mac OSX 64. The biggest challenge for me was X-Plane Mac support. I am a "Windows guy" for many years so I had to learn a lot in a short time. I have dusted off my old MacBook (which I have never liked much), upgraded to OSX Yosemite, installed all the tools, synchronised with my on-line code repository and started coding. First of all, I replaced some core functions with cross-platform code and that was the easy part, Then I had to dig into OSX Cocoa world and investigate a bit how X-Plane for Mac is built. It was quite a challenge, however I am glad that after weeks of ups and downs (oh yes there was a time I was frustrated as hell) I managed to integrate WebSimConnect with X-Plane OSX version. I hope you will like the results. Mac version comes also with simple HTTP server called WebSimConnectX. Few remarks on the future. The rendering engine version is fixed for all future 2.X versions.I will not replace is for at least 2 years. Every new minor version of the tool for the same major 2.X release (i.e. 2.1, 2.2. etc) will use the same engine and will be always backward compatible with the previous 2.X versions. I have planned to develop DataRefs API for WebSimGaugeX (i.e. to control HTML5 with DataRefs commands) however I have not managed before holidays which I start this Saturday. I will come back to this task in September. As usual, the deployment package contains all binaries, SDK and samples. Please consult the "Installation Guide" on how to install and configure the tool. For Mac, apart from copy-paste method you need to run one script to let X-Plane know about the new framework. no video this time, functionalities has not changed http://websimconnect.webs.com/download Cheers, Marcin
  5. Thanks Ben, Mac support is on top of my priorities, with Linux I will see how it goes. My ultimate goal would be unified HTML5 content not only for cross-platform, but cross-simulator as well.
  6. Thx All, not exactly. The point is, you build your own plugin in C++, Lua. In that plugin you do your own logic, read DataRef and then perfom for example with a timer a javaScript call to WebSimGaugeX to update the HTML5 content. The map example used in the video is done that way. Source code for it is available. It could be done differently as well, you could use HTTP-D plugin (http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6042-x-httpd-a-web-server-plugin-for-x-plane/) and HTML5 page would read the DataRefs via http layer, however it is not recommended as it requires extra network layer and web server which is not needed here. WebSimGaugeX can deal with HTML5 without any web server behind... All is well presented in WebSimClientX example with C++ source code where I use different techniques to use WebSimGaugeX... Indeed, there are many possibilities of use. YouTube screening is not one of them ) I just wanted to show rich content as well. In FSX/P3D it is gonna be used in few future releases of virtual aircraft done by 3rd party. They use it for very diffferent purposes, e.g. HUD, radar, movig map (with own tiles), ATR, glass cockpit. Below two examples I did for FSX. Not real systems but just for inspiration: Synthetic Vision System: Charts viewer: The HTML5 is rendered by separate process in GPU if available. Moreover if you use WebGL, it is even faster. You can use shader etc, in WebGL as it is for GPU accelareted content. Cheers, Marcin
  7. Hi All, As this is my first post here, please let me introduce myself. I am a software developer who created WebSimConnect web addon framework for FSX and P3D. It allows to build virtual panels (2d,3d) with HTML5 content. The idea is that you build a logic of the gauge(system) the classic way (as C++ plugin or Lua plugin) and then use HTML5 + JavaScript for generating display and interacting with the user. After some development effort I managed to port it to X-Plane by creating WebSimGaugeX component. You can find the demonstration video on my YT channel: I provide binaries and SDK with samples, include files and documentation. You will find everything on my website: www.websimconnect.webs.com For the moment I have done only Windows version (both, 32 and x64) as a start up to see if the X-Plane developers are interested in the project. If so, I could make Linux and Mac version as well. I hope you'll like it. Best regards Marcin
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