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Everything posted by ivota

  1. thanks for replay.
  2. I have Skymaxx pro v3. I don't want uninstall this add-on, but How I can just disable this add-on? I want to try some others addons (HD Cloud textures).
  3. Saying: When the program (project) is completed? When programming gets boring to the programmer.
  4. Is there any talk about price? I hope fair price.
  5. I want native FMC . All features must be as native FMC. That is it.
  6. he,he... many aircrafts from xplane store are unfinished product. So, unleashed this plane. We are not argue too much, he,he.
  7. it seems good plane. Almost done? What are you doing now? Final test? Fix bugs? Continue coding? Making better textures?
  8. So? Is there a solution for this problem?
  9. I paid 39.90$ two or tree months ago. great news, but reduce price for exist custumer,please. Hm, it seems all developer want more money for small/big update. Bed for custumers. I am little disappoint for all ( LM P3D V3, PMDG, ...)
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