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  1. Goran, As a followup, it seems to work great. I took off at a sea level airport and delberately overtorqued the engine. The audio alert went off right at 101% torque. On descent, below 10,00 feet, I turned on the Inertial Separater and again let the torque increase to 101%. The audio alert was dead on at 101%, so the dataref doesn't seem to change value with altitude and is a direct relation to the engine torque. No more turbine repairs or overhauls! Rick S
  2. Goran, I didn't have any luck with PlaneMaker, but I think I may have found a solution. There is an X-Plane dataref called "sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ:0" that has a numerical value that increases with torque. Using SPAD.neXt, I set up a condition when that dataref exceeds 3035 which coincides with 101% torque, it sets off the fire warning bell. Not realistic, I know, but it definately gets your attention. I set this up at Courchevel airport, facing uphill, halfway up runway 21 with full fuel; parking brakes set; and chocked. I kept jumping the chocks at 100% torque on a level airport. Not sure how this will work at different altitudes. However, I'm about to find out. Rick S
  3. Thanks, Goran. I'll give PlaneMaker a try. Rick S
  4. Occasionally, I will exceed max torque, usually on descent. (Yeah, yeah, bad pilotage, I know) My home cockpit setup is such that I am head down in the instrument panel quite often and don't see the "Overtorque Warning" displayed at the top of the screen. Therefore, sometimes I don't notice it right away and always wonder if I have done damage to the engine. I am wanting to create a Master Warning light and tone using SPAD.neXT whenever max torque is exceeded. I cannot can't seem to locate a dataref that changes state when max torque is exceeded. Is there a dataref I can use to make this happen? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Rick S.
  5. I have assigned keyboard shortcuts to pop out the PFD and MFD with no bezels. I must resize and reposition them each time to fit on my two touchscreen panel monitors that are used in conjunction with Air Manager. Is there a way to configure the pop-outs so they retain the proper size and location in my panels? Thanks. Rick S.
  6. Lon, I use two touchscreen monitors and Air Manager to run my G1000 on the SR22 along with Saitek and Goflight hardware. I am using that same command, "afm/sr/cmd/ap/ap" in Spad.neXt to turn on the autopilot using my GoFlight MCP. It works well and engages the autopilot like it should. I have the RealSimGear GCU and have found sometimes that if you go to "Plugins/RealSimGear Device Interface/Connected Hardware" and disconnect and then connect the plugin, it sometimes fixes problems with commands not working. Rick S.
  7. A question for "quazme" or anyone else that can help. I have the latest version of Spad.next version I am still unable to find some custom datarefs for the SR22. Noteably, the following: "afm/sr/apLight/alt" and "afm/sr/apLight/ap". I see them in "DataRefTool" but not in Spad.neXt. There also seems to be some datarefs misssing from the x-plane default "sim" datarefs. I checked my "datarefs.txt" and "commands.txt" files in the aircraft folder and the custom datarefs are there. You mentioned that you have been working with Ulrich getting dataRefs added/corrected. I was wondering if these were somehow left out of Spad or that there might be another reason I am not seeing them. Thanks for the help.
  8. Just checked again and Spad.neXt version is available. It seems at first glance to have solved most (hopefully all) of my problems. A large number of previously missing "Commands" and "Datarefs" are now visible in the program. I'll give it a go tomorrow and see if I am able to comfigure my panels to this SR22. Rick S.
  9. Ulrich sent me an email today stating that he would be updating Spad.neXt tomoorow (Saturday). This upgrade will supposedly be a fix to the problem. We shall see.
  10. Scot, What version of Spad.neXt are you running? Ever since upgrading to the latest version, I am no longer able to locate most of the various custom commands. And, I am not sure if all the custom datarefs are available either. In the earlier version of Spad.neXt, I was able to drill down and locate the custom datarefs and commands for a particular aircraft so long as I had a commands.txt and a datarefs.txt file that contained them located in the aircraft folder. In this new version, it doesn't work anything like the old one. To search datarefs, a list of aircraft developers is displayed with a dropdown menu showing some (not all) of their aircraft. The "dataref" list contains a large list of developers, but probably not all. When searching for custom commands, the "commands" dropdown list does show many developers at all. (Including Torquesim) See attached photos. I have sent a ticket to Ulrich at Spad.neXt. He acknowledged the problem but he has yet corrected it. I was hoping I might be missing something. I have an extensive home cockpit setup and am unable to program my panels on the Cirrus. Thanks for any help you can provide. Rick S.
  11. Thanks, Coop. Just what the doctor ordered.
  12. I use Air Manager with 2-Touchscreeen Monitors on my home cockpit. Since I do not own the RSG G1000 PFD and MFD, I do not see any option to pop out the G1000 displays without a bezel. I read in an earlier post that the bezel less popup commands appear when 2 way communication is established between the RSG and SR22 plugins. I do not yet own the G1000 Suite but I do own the GCU. Is there any way I can modify the GCU plugin to enable the bezel less pop up command function? If not, can the G1000 display bezels be removed through other means? Rick S.
  13. Goran, Wishful thinking I guess. I have had limited success running two independent copies of X-Plane while using SmartCopilot. I have the 2 PC’s networked on my local LAN but I am not using the Master/Slave function within X-Plane. It requires a careful matching of both airplanes prior to syncing them together with SmartCopilot but I have been able to make it work. I can relate to the problems Kanaj was having. The door was just one of many items that managed to get out of sync in my case. I have also been able to get it to partially work by combining the Master/Slave function in X-Plane and using SmartCopilot together. Most everything works but I get erratic heading, course, and altitude select movements when turning the appropriate knobs. Not sure why? The only downside to using SmartCopilot is the added cost of having to buy two licenses. One for each PC. My latest venture is running one copy of X-Plane with Vulcan enabled using 5 displays. Three displays showing the aircraft and scenery on my GTX 1080. My two touch-screen panel displays are using the on-board graphics card. This was not possible until Vulcan came out, but I am able to see about 28-32 FPS with my graphics settings set to mid range. With a higher end CPU and Graphics card, it may run pretty decent.
  14. I know this topic has been addressed before, but I would like to bring it up again. There are some of us who have spent a great deal of time and money building a home cockpit. My cockpit requires two PC's that run two networked versions of X-Plane. One PC runs the flight model and two touchscreen monitors on the instrument panel using Air Manager to display the PFD and MFD. The second "Display PC" runs the outside view graphics on 3 each 50" TV's. I am a huge fan of the TBM 900, but it is extremely difficult to operate the aircraft in a networked configuration. Because many of the datarefs and commands do not replicate over to the second aircraft on the "Display PC", I will get engine and airframe failures that are built into the aircraft. The only way I can fly the airplane without causing these failures is to simultaneously accomplish the same tasks on each aircraft. I have to do this whenever I fly the aircraft, but I am not a big fanboy of having to do it. I am not a developer, so I don't know what is involved to enable commands and datarefs to occur on both aircraft at the same time. I do know that other developers have done it to their aircraft, though these aircraft are not as complex as the TBM. If this is something that could be considered in a future update, I know I speak for many that would welcome it. Another option would be a way to disable all failures on the aircraft so that a fuel lever that moves when it shouldn't or doesn't move when it should on the "Display PC" doesn't cause catastrophic damage to the engine. I mainly use the 3D cockpit model view from the glare shield up as seen in the attached photos so I don't care what works or doesn't work beneath the glare shield. It's those big orange flames engulfing the aircraft that I don't like seeing! I greatly appreciate what you guys do and the effort put in to make the TBM one of the best aircraft available on X-Plane. Thanks for any help that you might consider to make it even better when using it in a network configuration. Rick S
  15. I have a 3-screen multi-monitor setup. If I set up the middle screen as the main screen (preferable), the toolbar is located on the left-hand side of the middle screen. When the toolbar collapses (ie. when not in use), the portion of it that goes out of view in the center screen becomes fully visible on the right-hand edge of the left-hand screen. The only way I can fix the visibility issue is to select the LH screen as the main screen (not preferable). This puts the toolbar on the left-hand side of the left screen. Has there been any thought to redesigning the toolbar so that is less visible and does not fully reappear in multi-monitor setups? Just Flight uses a small "Arrow" icon on their aircraft that expands into a menu when clicking on it. The arrow's opacity is also adjustable with a mouse scroll wheel which makes it barely visible to the user. Thanks for a great airplane! Rick S.
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