To no one in general: Disable SMP3, crank cloud detail up to 40% and see the performance then. I've had zero issues with SMP3 looking at performance. It's been better in most cases. World2XP Ortho HD Mesh Complex airports High settings Incorrect NVidia settings... That's where you take the hit. If you think that because I got xGb Vram and I can work my way towards the limit, you are in for a bumpy ride. If XPX tells you it's using 1GB, you can be sure that real usage is 2x or more. When VRAM is full, you will slow down while old ram is loaded out and new ones are loaded in. While your PC is running, XPX is not the only thing consuming VRAM too. I set my sim up with the following steps looking at performance at each step: 1.) XPX with standard world scenery 2.) HD MESH 3.) NV settings 4.) Airports (aka non library dependent airports) 5.) Adjust ingame settings 5.) SMP3.0 plus weather injector 6.) Word2XP and Orthophoto. 7.) Adjust ingame settings. I've attached three screenshots from KSFO - no World2XP. I'm running a 4GB orthophoto tile with custom 3.2 million triangle mesh, SMP3.0 and Skymax Audio. 4.6GB VRAM use. Notice my in game settings - I don't want more than 4.5GB VRAM use and I'm edging over it even though there's 6GB. Edit: I run 1440p resolution even though I have a 4K monitor. If XPX supported SLi, two 980Ti' might come close to rendering 4k and high levels of intensity (Mesh / Ortho / W2XP). We're still some time away from 4K performance on a single GPU. In game with all the above If I disable SMP3.0, go up to 40% clouds I drop 100mb in VRAM and the FPS goes down 10fps.