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Everything posted by brucie1dog

  1. Thank You!
  2. Hi Cameron, Uninstalled 2.0 and reinstalled 2.1. It did take this time. I am not sure if everything is in the correct place, because when I look in the X-Plane 10 File in the finder under Silverlight or Plugins I don't see 2.1. But it must be hiding somewhere, just not sure where. Enclosed are the screen shots of what I see now. Andy
  3. Moved it to plugins/silverlining but that did not change anything. Still shows 2.0 after installing 2.1 again. I did follow the prompt to uninstall 2.0. Any clues to what's going on?
  4. I ran the upgrade for 2.1 and it shows the correct version in the finder on the MAC, but not when you look at the SkyMaxx Pro configuration on X-Plane. Any idea why? Andy
  5. Jose, I did a clean installation a couple of weeks ago. I moved Sky Maxx to plugins todays. Urban Maxx says it should be in Custom Scenery?. Is your Urban Maxx in the plugins? What other items in Custom Scenery did you see that should be moved to plugins? Thank You! Andy
  6. I am not to embarrassed to ask for help. If anyone wants to earn some money (Pay Pal) by coming on to my system and straightening out the mess I have? I noticed after changing the rendering options a bit the scenery is doing some heavy flickering.
  7. Breaking News as CNN would say if you haven't seen this. http://developer.x-plane.com
  8. Now I am really embarrassed! So here's what I did. Cloud Detail option was already set on low, Overcast Quality now set to low, HDR was already set to off and I turned down antialiasing to 4 from 8. I have using the Metar for weather. I have to admit I do like the custom scenery. As far as the location of Sky Maxx Pro and Urban Max, where should they be? I did get rid of quite a bit of custom scenery. Is there anything on the list that it's OK for me to keep? I appreciate the help guys! Andy Abu Dhabi(UAE) with all airports Arizona Atlanta Baltimore_Washington Beirut Chicago Chicago Landmarks CYYZ Toronto Pearson Intl (ISDG) Dallas_FtWorth Denver Dubai Florida_South France-Paris Orly-LFPO Frankfurt Gateway To The Rockies Global Airports Hawaii Houston KFLL Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Int'l KSEA Demo Area KSEA Demo Terrain LAX_Central London London EGLL longbeach copy Los_Angeles LOWI Demo Area LOWI Demo overlay LOWI Demo terrain New_England_South NYC NYEXPRO OIII Tehran OpenSceneryX Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Phoenix - KPHX 2 Salinas SaltLake SanDiego SanFran_Seattle SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 SLLP Sochi Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D urbanmaxx Gizmo64.zip scenery_packs.ini
  9. Just happened gain. Decided to try and fly KMSP to KMIA again. This time the crash happened about 40 minutes from KMSP over Lake Michigan in Shift W mode. Log.txt
  10. Just happened gain. Decided to try and fly KMSP to KMIA again. This time the crash happened about 40 minutes from KMSP over Lake Michigan in Shift W mode.
  11. Just crashed in Shift W mode headed from KMSP to KMIA. In the air about 35 minutes near KOSH and was level at 32,000. Enclosing log text. Log.txt
  12. The machine I use is a Mac Book Pro configured like this. So if you have any suggestions I appreciate it. 2.8GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 4.0GHz16GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM512GB PCIe-based Flash StorageIntel Iris Pro Graphics and NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2GB of GDDR5 memory
  13. As I mentioned in the beginning I am not the most technical astute person. I do believe I understand what you are saying about the VRAM though. So whether X-Plane is drawing the plane or the cockpit it's eating up the VRAM? Which eats more VRAM drawing the plane or the cockpit? On the flights I did yesterday I was in the Shift W mode with the exception of for the 5 minutes after takeoff and about 10 minutes prior to landing. I did sneak back in to the cockpit periodically to adjust heading and speed. Originally I thought X-Plane was eating up the VRAM when crossing the mountains but then I also had crashes in the middle of rural Illinois & Nebraska. I never experience these crashes at the beginning of a flight or towards landing once I have started my decent. So I ask does altitude play into the VRAM theory. Also I would think I would have crashed over LA or NYC with all the buildings and scenery. Any explanations or thoughts on this?
  14. Mission complete in Shift W mode with out any crashes! Segments flown KLAXKORD KORDKPHX KPHXKSEA
  15. I just spoke to Apple Tech Support.And we transferred data from my system to Apple Engineering. It will take a few days to see if they can discover the latest issue. Jose, I have begun the same routing as yesterday and will stay in "Shift W" mode. I'll keep you posted. Andy
  16. Well so much for Apples permissions corrupt disk permissions theory. X_Plane just crashed again. We'll see if Apple has anything new to says now. I was able to fly all this before it crashed again KLAX to KORD to KPHX and 40 minutes towards KSEA.
  17. Just got off the phone with a Sr. Technical Support Rep at Apple. We went through several steps to repair disk permissions per the Engineering department. He said mine seemed to be corrupted. Hopefully this will stop some of the crashing. About to do an KSNAKORD test flight. There's a 50% possibility on this particular flight generating a crash before today. I will keep you guys posted.
  18. This article is an update of the last one I posted. http://developer.x-plane.com
  19. I have also had a few crashes of the apple mail program and safari over the past couple of months with Yosemite. Never can get a straight answer out of Apple after a few thousand calls they have expedited my issues to the engineering department. I should hear back in the next few days and will let you know what they say the reason for the crashes are. As for X-Plane, I just wish they would have told me there were compatibility issues so I would have known not to upgrade to Yosemite or to expect a rough ride till 10.35 comes out. That's all!
  20. The sad part of it is I have been talking to X-Plane customer support since Yosemite came out and no one really said I wasn't the only one who was having problems.
  21. The other question I have which my apply to VRAM is it seems when I do short hops (E.G. KGJKDEN) I have no issues. But if I do a 3.5 hr flight from (E.G.KLAXKORD) I have more issues. Does VRAM play into flight length? I was just sent this article from an X-Plane moderator. Applies to Mac people like me. http://developer.x-plane.com/2014/11/diagnosing-crashes-in-x-plane-10-30/
  22. Hi Frank, I will try a different aircraft. The custom scenery I have (that I know of) is mostly airports, glacier max, sky max & urban max. I just trashed some basically empty files for x-plane 9 and glacier max. If you think I should get rid of some airport scenery or anything else please let me know. I truly appreciate the help. Andy
  23. I am enclosing 2 more log txt files from todays crashes.I have turned downed to World Distance Detail to low. I am also enclosing a screen shot of my rendering options. At first it seemed that my crashed were confined to mountainous areas, but today I had one in the middle of no where Illinois. Andy help or suggestions are appreciated. Log 940AM 11215.txt Log 230PM 11215.txt
  24. Hopefully these documents will help in uncovering the problem. When I do a search for X-FMC or Lens Flare, the spotlight search on the MAC doesn't come up with any matches. Not sure exactly where I would find them. The other factor that is important to know is these crashes almost always happens in the following areas: Western Nebraska, Southern & Central Colorado, Northern AZ, Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. The last Log.TX was a crash that just happened over North Eastern AZ. Thanks for the help! Andy LogTxt1forDesktop.txt LogTxt2ForDesktop.txt LogTxt3fordesktop.txt Log.txt
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