Hey all,
So I have been having this problem for the past few months now on and off. At first, I was thinking it was addon aircraft related (showing up in the TBM900 and FF767 but not in Zibo), however after looking deeply into it, I might have deduced it's correlated to SkyMaxx and RWC.
What happens is, usually when I am entering the terminal environment after a long flight (probably 6,400 seconds since start of the sim) and a lot of WX, the frame rate abruptly goes from 35 down to 2. If I can get into the WX menu, I set it to clear conditions and my frames jump straight back up again. In addition, I tried changing RWC settings when the frames dropped and they shot back up again.
I am running a 2015 iMac Retina 5K with 12GB ram and the R295x graphics card.
As of writing this post, I am just stepping into work, so it'll be a little bit before I can provide a XP11 log file. Since I also have XCode on my system, I am more than willing to hook up a debugger to XP11 (Ben Supnik showed me how to do it at Flight Sim Expo) to try to resolve this issue. I have a feeling something is looping within the plugin and it's taking the entire sim with it.