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Everything posted by Tchou

  1. Included in the $74 you paid were included a serie of files in a folder named "Documentation" one of those is named "6-Bug Reporting Guide.pdf", if you open it, and read it, you'll find valuable info regarding your question. Also, there are Some files in the "4 - Quick Start Guides" folder, and other ones in the "5-Tutorials" that may be of interest to you. (good way to learn somethings while you are grounded.
  2. i found mine : Ground Handling from JAR design wich comes with his A330, I got back the mach test clicker, the GPWS messages (at least the tests ones) the altitude messages and it seems the sound mixing is much better. (It might be that some sounds missing are back also)
  3. same with me. didn't fly with versions prior to that, so I never had it, also Ground avoidance systems doesn't work, but I guess it's a "yet".
  4. Thanks a lot.
  5. I see times like 0572z does it mean 0612z ? is there any valuable data on this screen ? (fuel prediction for example)
  6. @K4bel123 Yep, thanks for the clarification.
  7. I don't get what you mean, It Seems that you'd like the plane/sim to adapt to you whereas it should be to you to learn how to fly it, real pilots tell us that the real 737 does hover a lot if the flare is not done correctly, it's up to you to learn how to do it, not to the sim/developer to change the physics. If you try to lose weight, the correct way is to start adapting your food behavior and also to have a more fat burning activity, not changing the Newton gravitational constant of the Earth…
  8. Here is the link for the first video of a full flight in a real life Simulator, you might check it it's really instructing ... of course from there you might follow the other videos...
  9. Not sure if you struggle to set an altimeter, that the ixeg 737 is the easiest way for you to start.
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