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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. Last I checked Cirrus aircraft do not have speedbrakes. This is the Columbia 400/Cessna Corvalis (so it's not that either)... Keep guessing
  2. This work-around was already mentioned in one of the posts above. The good news is that in the next update of the Corvalis the FMS will "pick" the nearest (to the aircraft) NavAid when there are multiple NavAids with the same ID. The "nearest to the aircraft" may not be the one that you want, but it is probably better than defaulting to the first in the file. In the future the Duplicate Waypoint selection functionality of the G1000 will be implemented in full. Jim
  3. Chris, This will be fixed in the next update of the Corvalis (coming very soon). Thanks for your business! Jim
  4. As I have already indicated, the lighting is EXACTLY as you would find in real life...and so it will remain. Come on, please. The G1000 fuel gauges have indicators for which tank is in use. If the left tank is in use, turn to the right. If the right tank is in use, turn to the left. it couldn't be simpler. The 3D view is out of my control, as Cameron pointed out above. Your are referring to Pilot Guide version 190-00552-03 Rev A., which is irrelevant. As I have already proven the Corvalis G1000 software version at the time of development DID HAVE this feature (Pilot Guide version 190-00552-01 Rev D.) and it too will remain this way. Discussion over. Jim
  5. Writing the code to do what you want is the bulk of the work, so why do 80-90% and not implement the entire feature? As a matter of fact if you look in the "cockpit_3d -> generic" folder you will find the "Duplicate Waypoint" window graphic is already there ! Anyway, I'm glad we agree how the duplicates work and you can rest assured that I will implement this feature in a future update. As to your "laundry list" of missing functions... I know you are well aware of how complex the G1000 is. In order to have EVERY feature would mean, in essence, that I would be re-creating ALL of Garmin's code to fit in the sim... a rather huge undertaking ! I know you are also aware that Garmin issues updates to the software periodically and functionality can change. The version of the aircraft that I developed may not include some of the things that are currently available. The list... 1.) CRS and BRG boxes on PFD that stay on. I had to pick a version of the G1000 for the Corvalis when I began developing it. At that time the software turned the heading and course windows on for 3 seconds (when they were adjusted) and then turned them off. So that's how it is and will remain. Here is the excerpt from the Pilot's Guide 190-00552-01 Rev. D... 2.) PFD Flight Plan. Future update. 3.) Waypoint/Facility/Location entry. There is no "location" data for a waypoint in the XP files...so that probably won't happen. The others are a consideration. 4.) CWS. Future update. 5.) BC annunciation. To be considered. 6.) WAAS. Again, at the time I began developing the Corvalis there was no WAAS available. 7.)VNV Key. Same as Item 6. 8.) VPTH. Same as Item 6. 9.) ALTV. Same as Item 6. 10.) DME Nav Box. Same as Item 6. 11.) MENU Key Future update. 12.) MAP Pges. Future update. 13.) WPT Pages. Future update. 14.) AUX Pages. Future update. 15. NRST Pages. Future update. 16.) Terrain. Future update. 17.) Traffic. XP traffic is already implemented. PFD annunciation is functional. 18.) Procedures. To be considered. 19.) HSI Arc. To be considered. 20.) Checklist. Future update. 21.) Emergency list. Future update. 22.) Better fuel selection knob. Talk to Cessna If you can explain further it would help. The current fuel selector works as in the "real" Corvalis except that you can't "lift" the selector. 23.) Lighting is implemented "exactly" as in the "real" Corvalis except for map spots. I did provide an "easier" way to access some of the lighting sliders in the 3D cockpit since reaching in front of the console was impractical. I'm not sure what "unlighted" items you're talking about so please let me know. 24.) Reversionary Mode. Future update. 25.) Metric Display. Future update. 26.) Vertical Navigation Page. Not sure what you are referring to but probably same as Item 6. 27.) SVS, Pathway, HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, etc. Not available in the version of the Corvalis that I developed. Just replying
  6. I'm not sure what you want me to tell you. Your original post stated... I stated that this feature (duplicate selection) was not yet available in the Corvalis. You then stated that you didn't understand my response and that you don't need multiples, just the nearest. I explained that in "real life" the G1000 displays a "Duplicate Waypoints" window to select the waypoint and that I had not yet implemented this in the Corvalis. You answered... I then posted a screenshot showing you that the "real life" G1000 does exactly what I said... it displays a "Duplicate Waypoints" window where you can select the waypoint you want. You then replied by stating... So whereas you previously did not believe that what I was saying was true, you now agree with me. When you press the "ENT" Key the first time the "Duplicate "Waypoint" window is displayed with a list of waypoints. When you press the "ENT" Key again you are accepting the first waypoint listed in that window. I understand that the Corvalis doesn't do this now. I also understand that it is selecting the first waypoint in the file and not the nearest. The proper solution for the Corvalis is to implement this feature as it exists in "real life", which I intend to do. Unfortunately I can not tell you when that will be. I hope this clears things up. Thanks for your input. Jim
  7. Many features of the G1000 differ between aircraft. I can't speak for the G1000 in the C172/C182. But I can speak with authority about the G1000 in the Corvalis. Here is a screenshot from the Garmin G1000 Cessna 350_400 Pilots Guide showing the Duplicate Waypoints window and a screenshot from the Garmin Corvalis Simulator Software showing the HGR ID as you did... As I stated previously, this has not been implemented in my Corvalis (yet). Jim
  8. It means that in the "real-life" G1000 when you select an ID that refers to more than one NavAid a window is displayed and you can then select which one you want. This has not yet been implemented in the Corvalis, sorry.
  9. Hi, The G1000 feature to dislpay and select from duplicate NavAids is not implemented in the Corvalis (yet ), sorry. Jim
  10. This is a marketing video that was produced by Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing to promote the Columbia 300. There is some "irony" here because Columbia was bought out by Cessna but, from what I understand, the people at Cessna enjoyed it ... .. This is a "current" marketing video produced by Cessna to promote the Corvalis TT.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPW3ut4fvTY
  11. David, I can assure you that the frequencies are NOT reversed. Note that the "ACTIVE" frequency (NAV & COM) is the inner and the "STANDBY" frequency (NAV & COM) is the outer: Hope this helps. Jim
  12. Press the SEL key until the waypoint field is highlighted. Turn the small knob to the right. When the Waypoint Information Window appears press the CLR key on the ReadyPad and that will "delete" that waypoint. Jim
  13. Are you sure you have advanced the FMS to the next waypoint "field" as in step 11? This MUST be done PRIOR to going back to step 6. Otherwise you will be "editing" the "highlighted" (previous) waypoint. Jim yes the field below entered waypoint gets highlighted then turn small knob which bring up entry popup , i would press INTI the previous waypoint in background disappears. What is INTI? that was my problem Pressing the INIT key should ONLY be done once (in step 3). Subsequent waypoints are entered using steps 6 through 11. So... if you Press the INIT key a second time you will "initialize" the FMS and lose ALL your entries. Jim
  14. Are you sure you have advanced the FMS to the next waypoint "field" as in step 11? This MUST be done PRIOR to going back to step 6. Otherwise you will be "editing" the "highlighted" (previous) waypoint. Jim
  15. Jens, I have re-checked my plugin for coding of the custom Datarefs for the two softkeys that your screenshot shows as "stuck" and cannot find any problems. No one else has reported this problem. If you can consistently reproduce this I would be interested to know what steps you are taking to do so. Jim
  16. You can also program a key to "freeze" the 3D view (temporarily) while holding the key down. Go to Settings > Joystck, Keys & Equipment Under the "Keys" tab you can program any key... Here is an example...
  17. Bill, Thanks for the suggestions. The ignition that is currently in the Corvalis is a standard XP instrument. As you know, the functionality of the ignition includes several positions (L, R, BOTH) as well as a "spring loaded" position for starting, which is not available in a basic generic instrument. In order to implement this it may require some additional programming in the plugin. I'm not sure if I can implement this but I will make a note to look into it for a future update. The primer button utilizes the Dataref... "sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/primer_on", so it is "functional" in that when you press the button the primer is "ON" and when you release the button the primer is "OFF". Jim
  18. Almost all the instruments in the Corvalis are "custom" so setting the Baro to hPa in the weather panel will not change anything in the aircraft. Jim
  19. ALL of the functionality of the G1000 that allows for switching to metric (for the Altimeter and Barometer) have not yet been implemented. Until this is implemented there really is no way to give you the functionality you want at this time, sorry. Jim
  20. Bill, Thank you very much for buying the Corvalis. I hope you enjoy it. Cessna did a couple of liveries that are being used to "grab" attention at shows however they will not be made available to the public. Interestingly most of the Columbia/Cessna 400 owners do not like these "marketing" liveries at all and wish Cessna would go back to the original (Columbia) paint scheme. I can't say for certain that I will not do these liveries but I have no plans of doing them at this time. Thanks again for your business. Jim
  21. • You need to use the FMS in order to input an ADF. • Although the softkey for metric is visible, the functionality has not yet been implemented. Jim
  22. New magazine by Cessna ... http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8da59b79#/8da59b79/1
  23. Please send an e-mail to Cameron at X-Aviation... http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/contact_us.php
  24. Depends on your system Jim
  25. Thanks Cameron. I need to start looking at Gizmo. Do you think it's possible to run a gizmo plugin in conjunction with my current plugin to add vapor trails to my F-16 and engine smoke and fire? I also need to add missile smoke to my SAMs in my global X-Combat plugin. Greg, I am currently running Gizmo scripts and a plugin with my Corvalis with no problems. You should be fine. Jim
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