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Everything posted by rddaos

  1. That is correct, I had mapped the right arrow key to "pan right". But now I see that to shift the view over and remain in 2D, I have to map it to "general: right". Ok this is excellent, now I can make the ready pad pop up when I need it. I owe you guys one!
  2. Jim, It's inexplicable. I set my view to "fowards", which is definitely a 2D view. Then I pan right with the arrow key, which shifts the view over and there appears an orange airplane icon at the top of the screen with a field of view centered at 45o to the nose, so I trust I'm still in a "2D" view (even though the hat switch on my joystick allows me to look around from that position in what appears to be 3D). It's kind of weird because if I hover the mouse cursor over the ready button, the description for the EFIS map pops up. The fact that anything popped up at all tells me that x plane is recognizing that area of the screen (right over the ready button) has some functionality, yet clicking it does nada. It IS a bit annoying to have to look at the center console to type, then move back to the display to see what's on the screen, but I guess I can live with it. I tried to go to the corvalis developer's webpage but it was a broken/dead link.
  3. Thanks Jim. I wasn't able to figure out how to get it to "pop up", but I can see now that the ready pad in the center console is active in 3D view, which means I can still use it, which I don't mind doing at all - it works, that's all I care about! rddaos
  4. Ok I think we're finally getting somewhere! There is an "FPL" key on the lefthand side, but there is ALSO a second FPL key on the righthand side. That's the one I need. I'm not a pilot as you can see ;D OK so i clicked it and it did bring up a ready pad button. But wouldn't you know that would be too easy, clicking the ready pad button doesn't seem to actually do anything. No new window pops up, nothing. Very frustrating. Do you think maybe there'll be an updated corvalis released in the near future that might be more user friendly?
  5. Thanks Cameron. I don't have the right keyboard arrow key mapped to anything, so nothing happens when I press it. However, I did shift the view over manually in 2D (see the attached screenshot). I still don't see what I should be clicking on. The instructions in the Cessna tutorial say to press "FPL" to bring up the active flight plan window, which I did - and that brought up a black box labeled "flight plan". So I assume that box must be the flight plan window. The tutorial goes on to instruct me to press the READY PAD Button in the upper right corner of the Active Flight Plan Window. But as you can see from the screenshots, there is nothing in the upper righthand corner of the black box for me to click on. Please advise.
  6. I hit "FPL", and it brings up a black box that reads "FLIGHT PLAN" at the top, but no ready pad button. I am in 2D mode. See the attached screenshot.
  7. Forgive me if I'm not using the forum correctly, I was looking for a generic "post message to forum" button, but all I see on the page is some icons that allow me to reply to specific people, even though this is a general question, which is open to everybody. Anyhow I just got the Corvalis 1.2, but when I try to program the FMS, I click the "FPL" button to bring up the active flight plan window - and when I click it, it does bring it up - but the problem is that there's supposed to be a button in the top right corner that allows me to bring up the "ready pad", but no such button shows up. Doesn't matter if I'm in 2D or 3D mode, the only thing that shows up when I hit "FPL" is a black empty box that reads "FLIGHT PLAN" at the top ....no ready pad button. Please advise. Thanks!
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