I don't think, that the GIZMO plugin is the reason for the crashes, because on Monday, after registering and the first crash I removed GIZMO and the shrink-wrap plugin. I remeber, that I did a testflight from LOWW to EDDT and was very happy in the first 25 minutes of the flight, that I had no crash. I thought, this could be, that I removed GIZMO and the shrink-wrap plugin. But during the flight, ca. 30 minutes after take-off, over Czechia, the CRJ-200, version 1.1, crashed to the desktop. After that I tried it with plugins and without plugins, with custom sceneries and without them, today in a separate installation of X-Plane without sceneries and only the default plugins plus GIZMO, shrin-wrap and pilotview, but the plane crashes after 2 to ca. 45 minutes after the start (this is different) . The problem could be the vasFMC plugin. I used GIZMO before the CRJ update, because the payware DASH 8 Q400 needs it and I had no problems with it, also with other planes and plugins, but this was not the GIZMO version, overwritten without asking me from the CRJ upgrade. Why do a payware aircraft need two plugins only for registering and why the installation software don't ask the user, when it overwrites a plugin, in this case GIZMO ?