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About sede

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. It's really a great release. For the USA Canyon and Mountains Arizona / Nevada mesh I suggest the following short trip: 0V7 (Kayuta) - 71V (Monument Valley) - 05UT (Oljato) - 72V (Navajo Mountain) - 0V7 (Kayuta) - Josef -
  2. Sorry, version 1.4.5 is as Cameron mentioned 32-bit only. I remember now that it worked till OSX Mountain Lion (32-bit) but not under Mavericks (64-bit). Due to the log.txt you are working with OSX Mavericks (version 10.9.5). I had under Mavericks (64-bit) the same problem as you and used for a short time with X-Plane 9.70 before I switched to XPlane 10 and old version of the CRJ-200 (1.2 series). With X-Plane 10 and Mavericks/Yosemite, I'm using here the CRJ-200 version 1.5.3 64bit. Conclusion: - till OSX Mountain Lion and X-Plane 9 you can use version 1.4.x - Since Mavericks and Yosemite X-Plane 10 and the 1.5.x series
  3. The avionics-plugin 1.4.5 which is disabled works in 64-bit mode only. As I see in your log.txt that you are using XPlane 9 32-bit, you have to upgrade to XPlane 10 and use the CRJ-200 in 64-bit mode. I had the same problem when I used XPlane 9.70 months ago.
  4. Have a look at this video....
  5. It is for the Iphone/Ipad
  6. And here http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm the virtual cockpit.
  7. Problem solved. It was the pythoninterface-plugin. It was installed in the wrong directory. Instead in the plugin subdirectory called PythonInterface26 (mac.xpl), the plugin was in the plugin main directory as PythonInterface26.xpl with an ini-file called PythonInterface26.ini :-) But the python scripts worked :-)
  8. Can you provide more details please.. I get a CTD short after shutting down X-Plane (see attached log and crash-log-file). No CTD an my separate installation of X-Plane 9 for testing purposes without custom sceneries and plugins.
  9. sede

    Sun N' Fun

    My favorite Video ...
  10. In version 1.0 it's o.k. And in Version 1.1 also (CRJ-200 Mac-Version)
  11. In version 1.0 it's o.k.
  12. I don't think, that the GIZMO plugin is the reason for the crashes, because on Monday, after registering and the first crash I removed GIZMO and the shrink-wrap plugin. I remeber, that I did a testflight from LOWW to EDDT and was very happy in the first 25 minutes of the flight, that I had no crash. I thought, this could be, that I removed GIZMO and the shrink-wrap plugin. But during the flight, ca. 30 minutes after take-off, over Czechia, the CRJ-200, version 1.1, crashed to the desktop. After that I tried it with plugins and without plugins, with custom sceneries and without them, today in a separate installation of X-Plane without sceneries and only the default plugins plus GIZMO, shrin-wrap and pilotview, but the plane crashes after 2 to ca. 45 minutes after the start (this is different) . The problem could be the vasFMC plugin. I used GIZMO before the CRJ update, because the payware DASH 8 Q400 needs it and I had no problems with it, also with other planes and plugins, but this was not the GIZMO version, overwritten without asking me from the CRJ upgrade. Why do a payware aircraft need two plugins only for registering and why the installation software don't ask the user, when it overwrites a plugin, in this case GIZMO ?
  13. This is my last (?) crash report: - Fresh install of X-Plane 9 without any scenery (except the default LOWI scenery) for testing purposes - Update to version 9.69 with the latest updater - Registering with GIZMO and shrink-wrap plugin was successfull - Additional plugins to the default-plugins (GIZMO, shrink-wrap, pilotview) - Testflight practical over water: EDFH-LEPA (planned route: EDFH DIR GEBDA Y173 PABLA Y163 NATOR UQ209 BALSI UQ211 VATIR UN852 PIVUS UZ237 SISMO UN855 KENAS LEPA) at FL 305 - 35 minutes after take-off over Switzerland the CRJ-200 Version 1.1 crashed (see the log-files) Hardware: MacBook Pro, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2,8 GHz, L2-Cache 6 MB, RAM 4 GB, BusSpeed 1,07 GHz, used VideoCard: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT VRAM 512 MB (second VideoCard, not used for X-Plane, is a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with 256 MB VRAM) Joystick: Saitek Cyborg Evo Force
  14. I did this yesterday without the custom scenery on the same flight-route as today (EDFH-LEPA). Sorry, there are no logfiles. Today I reinstalled version 1.0 and I did a complete successfull flight along the above mentioned route. After uninstalling version 1.0 and installing version 1.1 I did two testflights with and without the plugins and deleted wrong fonts. The first flight lasted 25 minutes and then came the crash (with plugins) and the second flight lasted only 5 minutes (without the plugins). The crashes couldn't be due the lack of memory and sceneries because version 1.0 works and other aircrafts work flawlesly. I uninstalled version 1.2 and I'm no longer interested in testing, because I have not enough sparetime.
  15. I've validated my fonts (37 warnings) and deleted it. After that I did a clean install of the update (version 1.1) and did a testflight. During the flight, 25 minutes after takeoff, the CRJ crashed to the desktop. Rebooted the system and deinstalled all the plugins. After a restart of X-Plane I started a testflight. The plane crashed 5 minutes after the restart. See below the log- und crashlog-files with and without the plugins:
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