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killerbee123 last won the day on February 5 2023

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  1. Please see attached file. DeltaG of 0.000 with max of 1.144 recorded HLIS-1.csv
  2. Every now and then when the FO runs trough the before takeoff checklist it calls TCAS - TA/RA without switching it on. I have a joystick switch bound to CCP1 ATC button i use to swtich between on and off.
  3. It was allready fixed by Toto (on discord) he stated the conversion between feet and meters was the wrong way around there. But i was entering 230 and then LSK 2 and 230/10000 was the same result.
  4. When changing the SPD limit below FL100 so scratchpad 250 LSK L2 the altitude changes crazy
  5. Version 0.0.2


    Challenger 650 from REGA - Swiss Air Ambulance STILL A WORK IN PROGRES!
  6. View File Ambulanzjet Challenger 650 | Rega Challenger 650 from REGA - Swiss Air Ambulance STILL A WORK IN PROGRES! Submitter killerbee123 Submitted 01/22/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  7. As stated when loading the 1000ft agl save state, enabling the autopilot again and lowering the flaps i got an x-plane crash. CL650_Log.txt airframes.zip Log.txt
  8. When entering the hold at NARSO on the EELDE1B arrival at EHAM the plane lost LNAV without disconnecting it. When reverting back to hdg mode and turning back towards NARSO (so flying the teardrop manually) and then proceding direct to NARSO hold it was fine.
  9. Plane turned right after departure instead of left. Programmed departure MUXH5B out of LICD
  10. Programmed was VULPE3J -> VOR 31 via ETROV and it was all sequenced without disc. after etrov the plane just continued straight on without turning to the intercept heading of 354 Navigraph data APPTR,D31,31,ETROV IF,ETROV,36.380528,-4.350833, ,0.0,0.0,4,8000,4000,0,0,0,1,0 CI,0, ,0.0,24.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CF,CD31,36.554889,-4.330250,0,MLG,132.0,11.3,354.0,9.0,2,2000,0,0,0,0,1,0
  11. As stated pulling the 1B13 breaker does not give TAWS FAIL status message on.
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  12. That number i mean
  13. In climb and descent every now and then i have a massive drop in frames.. the plugin admin shows flightloop times of over 4000us instead of 430ish. Log shows 2 entries 2:28:05.582 Altitude/win/XPMP2 DEBUG Aircraft.cpp:672/DestroyInstances: Aircraft 0x000016: Instance destroyed 2:28:05.629 Altitude/win/XPMP2 DEBUG Aircraft.cpp:522/FlightLoopCB: Flight loop callback ended 2022-01-14 10:29:58 xgs[xgs.c:981]: Teleportation detected 2022-01-14 10:30:11 xgs[xgs.c:981]: Teleportation detected 2022-01-14 10:30:12 xgs[xgs.c:981]: Teleportation detected 2022-01-14 10:30:13 xgs[xgs.c:981]: Teleportation detected
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