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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. Received an email from Cameron yesterday with a fix for my installer (we had to use the 'chmod' command to change permissions on a few files and directories), anyway all is good again and the installer did it's thing as advertised and the T34 is back in the air! Thanks very much to Cameron and X-Aviation (oh yeah... and JRollon!)
  2. Thanks Cameron, I was working on your last repsonse, dated 3rd April where you indicated that you were "still investigating". I thought we were corresponding via email on this and I haven't received anything from you since the above. I have just been over to x-aviation and can't find any reference to this ticket and suggestion? Can you please clarify where to look or just email it me? I am just as dumbfounded as you as to why this installer does not work, I apologise if you misread my requests for help as something else, I have been working with computers since the mid 80's so feel I have half an idea about them, I just hadn't heard anything since the 3rd April and am not familiar with this x-aviation 'ticket' thing. Thanks for your time.
  3. Just curious if there are any other mac users that have run the OSX installer? Would be interested in your results either way. Cameron/x-aviation have been unsuccessful thus far in fixing the installer for me... Thanks
  4. Hi there, I am having the same problem with this update as I had with the original release - the OSX updater does not work. When I try to run it nothing happens, I am running 10.6.7 I have contacted X-Aviation (via their website) but as yet no response. Wondering if it's possible to get instructions to install manually or get the update sent unzipped? Thanks
  5. OK, thanks for the quick response Javier. I see it's just the way it's programmed and is not easily fixed - that's ok I'l just live with it. I don't fly all the time like that just at critical moment's - late final etc or just when I want a full screen scenic view. I do it with all other aircraft and don't get bits of panel remaining, not to worry.
  6. ok, it's not a pref's thing -just deleted all those and restarted this is View: Full Screen without HUD. (SHIFT W) and this View: Full Screen with HUD. (SHIFT S) I actually do it with mapped joystick buttons but it's the same as from the menu. Don't tell me I'm the lone ranger with this problem as well?
  7. What do you mean by "reset xplane"? delete pref's?
  8. Javier, well done on the T34C - very nice. Obviously a lot of work gone into it. One thing I have noticed straight away though is when I flick to fwd view (with or without hud) I still see parts of the cockpit and engine smoke - is it an easy fix to remove these for fwd view (no cockpit)? I like to fly with 3d cockpit and then flick to fwd unobstructed view for landing etc. Thanks (sorry - meant to post this in the 'few bugs I noticed' thread and can't move it now)
  9. I have downloaded the package twice with the same result - osx installer app does not work. For those that have had it install corecctly (on a mac) which version installer did you use? The one that I have downloaded is version 3. I have also contacted x-aviation but as yet have not had a response.
  10. Thanks for the quick reply, yes I have read the manual but it doesn't really help as my installer is not working. The manual refers to the steps when installing under windows which is fine but i am on a mac and double clicking the app does nothing - no new window appears etc. I tried to move the beechcraft folder manually as I do with all other aircraft downloads but it appears there are files missing, the main .acf for example - the one you choose when loading a new aircraft from within xplane. I'll try downloading again and see what happens. Did you use the osx installer or manually install?
  11. Hi, Just purchased and downloaded the T34C from x-aviation. All seemed to go ok - got a 174.8 meg zip on desktop. When I extract this I get a Beechcraft folder with a 'common' folder which has a 'liveries' folder and an 'objects' folder, I also get the osx app (and unix and windows exe). I am running osx 10.6.4 on an iMac but when I double click on the 'Mentor-osx-installer.app' nothing happens. Anybody got any ideas on how to install this? Thanks
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