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  1. Ok that ones on me - I tried yesterday and those buttons didnt appear to be clickable, however, moving the mouse around a bit and there is indeed a click spot there for them. So yeah, thats all cool. Thanks
  2. Thank you for the response. When I tried it yesterday, none of the avionics work / turn on. So I assume this is the only major issue I have seen, is there a way to work around that in the mean time?
  3. Hi team, I just took up X-Aviations offer for the DC-3 and the Duchess. I am an X-Plane 11 user. I see from other forum threads that you do intend to get the DC-3 fully compatible with XP11, which is great news. However, is your intent the same for the Duchess? I feel you may get asked this question a lot this weekend due to people getting it with their DC-3 purchase due to the promo, so figured it would be great to get in early with an answer on this. Thank you, Gav
  4. PERFECT! Thats how you keep customers! Keep up the great work.
  5. Also, I hope you wont price it at a god damn eye watering $70 (Jesus!!!!)
  6. Looking forward to this - I had a look at the early videos and reviews of xEnviro (the obvious new competitor) and SkyMaxx is just smashing that out of the ballpark, I have to be honest...
  7. Hi I am using RWC and believe it was supposed to stop dramatic weather changes and popping, this is still happening for me, this is both with NOAA and without (just using X-Planes weather system). I am also using SkyMaxx Pro V3.x Any ideas why I would still be getting weather pops?
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