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Everything posted by TCA2050

  1. Using the Haversine AirFMC and it works like a charm.
  2. Hi Cameron, I've been a bit busy with work so haven't had the time to fly during the course of this week, but it's the first item on my priority list for tomorrow mornings weekend start... will do my regular MUHA-KIAH flight with it then, keep you posted.
  3. Know what you mean ;-) great aircraft that is, love it too....
  4. I managed via a workaround; took an image of my X-Plane system with a working 1.05 version before I updated to 1.06. Now with the problems I had after the 1.06 hotfix, I restored the image and got back to the so far better working 1.05. Takes a bit of time but out of experiences in the past I do this before most upgrades... better safe than sorry ;-)
  5. Hello, My first flight with this aircraft, KOKC - KIAH, and I'm really stunned !!! Jawdropping, OMG how I love it... we've been waiting for this for a long time in XP. Thanks so much for the effort and the support. Now on the above topic, I also had VNAV that wouldn't engage because I only entered the arrival and approach later on in the flight. This is something I mostly do on longer flights since about 150 nm to TOD I check the weather and decide on the arrival. Kind regards STefaan - EBOS
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