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Everything posted by kneighbour

  1. This is probably a bit off topic (and I am not even the OP). You are right - developers know their aircraft so well they assume every user will see their product they same way they do. But they don't. I had a thought today that when you assemble your beta team, you should make an effort to get at least one first time user (for that aircraft). They see things differently to experienced pilots. I develop software as well, and I try for exactly that. I get one of the girls in the office - completely new to the software, to sit down and play with it. The results are often surprising. The other thing is the documentation is really very limited. It is nothing like what a real pilot would use when trying to learn the aircraft, so it unfair to expect that we would know every little thing. It would be great to get real manuals - or at least sections of them. I am thinking of the STMA PC12 here, or the A320neo or PMDG in FSX as good examples. But even with the full manuals, what armchair pilot has the time to fully learn every little thing? None of us, I am guessing. You are also equating "problem", with "bug" and you seem to think that both things are a bad thing. They are not. It might just be me, but I do not see bugs (if there are any) as an issue. XP itself has so many "problems" that a few small issues with a particular aircraft (again, if any) are as nothing. I think what is a real turn off for people is the response from the developers to any issue raised. That is how I look at it, but I am a developer as well, so perhaps my view is biased. As a developer myself, I love it when users give me feedback - and I love it more when that feedback is negative. I am not saying anything about this product - just in general. At one point we gave rewards to customers who gave us negative, but constructive feedback.
  2. I did no such thing. I said "Is this a bug or is it acting as you want?". No insinuation or anything. Simple question. But what if it was a bug? What is wrong with that? Surely you don't think any software is bug free? I am a software developer myself, and I can assure you that there is no such thing. And I am sure readers of this forum would not recoil in horror if there was such a bug. What people like to see is a measured response and perhaps a fix down the track. I read that text that you quoted and it is still not clear to me from the text 1. what the A/P Disconnect button is. 2. that pressing this unknown button a second time clears the audio warning. Now that I know (from this forum), all is good. Mind you, there is another problem there (mapping the disconnect function to a yoke button), but I guess will work that out myself.
  3. Yes it does. It just does not mean it is a problem with the aircraft or modelling. But it is still a problem to me. I have refrained from doing much posting with my 'problems' as I am aware that most of them are my lack of knowledge of the aircraft and that it is different from other aircraft in XP. The problem - as I see it - is that buying aircraft in XP is a crapshoot. It is very expensive - I have spend hundreds on aircraft - 90% of which is wasted. As a prospective customer of an aircraft I search these forums for feedback from other users and also Youtube for videos. I WANT to see what the 'problems' are and if they are resolved. Other new users will have the same problems I am having. There is no doubt about that. The AP disconnect alarm mentioned here is just one. I am betting that a LOT of users would not have known to press a button on the yoke to silence that. Now they know. I for one am thrilled that I now know this (truely). It has made my day! You can imagine what it is like to fly for an hour with that alarm blaring in your ear continuously - it is not pleasant. I search these forums every day to see if other users are having the same issue(s) I am - and what the solution is. And you should know - posting an issue can be a daunting challenge. First of all, you don't want to annoy the developers. Then you don't want to annoy other users (like what happened here). Then, of course, you don't want to appear stupid. Please have some patience with us new users.
  4. Which s a good thing, up to a point. The problem for us virtual pilots is the we do not have any training. There is not even a POH or AFM. So we have to guess how most of the stuff works. And if every other plane in XP works a certain way, then you assume that the next aircraft will be the same. A real pilot spends months getting a type conversion - we do it in two flights! In all of my XP aircraft one of the first things I do is try to hide the yoke. It usually hides the HSI or something anyway, and is a bit of a pain. A lot of us do not fly with yokes (but I do, so I don't have that excuse). In the case of the AP alarm, it never occurred to me to press a button on the yoke! Why would I? I don't fly the thing in real life, I never look at the yoke, and the manual never mentions anything about it. I agree that the model should approach the real aircraft as much as possible. But this has to be tempered with the fact that we are sitting at a computer screen with poor flight hardware.
  5. Was about to ask the same question. I have done two flights now where that 8 ring auto pilot disconnect tone went on for the whole flight! It was driving me mad!! Is this a bug or is it acting as you want? The XP AP disconnect command (as jkieffer1957 mentioned) does not work, which is a real shame. Looking down to the center console is a real pain during flight. Might be better when I get my TrackIR (I hope). I have been finding a number of problems....frustrating.
  6. Thanks. No problems then.
  7. I know that there is a software checklist system with the plane, but I like to print these things out and laminate them. I guess I can type in my own checklist, but before I do that, I was wondering if this has already been done? A POH would be even better, but so far have not been able to find one.
  8. Not a big deal - just wondered if there is supposed to be a flap sound from inside the cockpit? I cannot hear anything. I see it is on the Sound volume setting panel, so I am guessing so.
  9. I have read the manual section where you assign the condition levels to XP axis controls. This is all very fine - except I only have one Condition/Prop axis control on my CH Eclipse yoke. Is it possible to assign both Conditions levers to this one axis? I presume not, so was wondering if there is a way around this?
  10. All fixed! At least I can see something now. Thanks. I have a small question - but will open another thread.
  11. Ok. Where is this uninstaller? It is not on the my Saab 340 download page. I could just delete the registry key, if that is all that is required.
  12. The new installer is better. A few more textures were added as you can see from the folder listing. But not enough. I include a picture of the cockpit - as you can see, it is getting better. Be good to reset the download counter at some point. Log.txt
  13. Ok - moved the folder back. Same thing, and I attach the log file and an image of the objects folder Log.txt
  14. On my 3rd install, I am now getting a few error popups in the installer process. These never came up the first time(s). The error "Unable to download component Saab 340 Passenger: Component file version does not match" This is in Component 3/3 If I retry, it works ok, Or it seems to. Edit: No, Component 3 will not install on this 3rd attempt.
  15. After the install, that is where I moved it to. On the second install, I left the aircraft in the folder you create in x-aviation. Same thing.
  16. Just ran the installer application. Was else is there I can do? Set XPlane folder Picked 1.5Gigs or less On the first install, selected everything - ie all liveries. On the 2nd install, no liveries It said it needed to uninstall the current version first (even though nothing installed), But ok'd that The first install was bout 900 megs. The second install about 209 megs. Currently doing a 3rd install No errors. Finally installed Run XP, and select Passenger variant The file I downloaded from your website is 'Saab_340A_1.2.zip' and is 24.8 megs
  17. Just bought and installed 1.2 into XP 10.36 on Windows 7 64. In fact, installed it twice - both installs have the same problem. I can load the aircraft (all variants are the same) but the textures are missing for the cockpit. Outside the aircraft looks ok and everything else seems to be working. ie sound ok, menus, etc. The errors in the log mention a number of textures that are missing. ie Fuselage.png. And that is correct - there are no textures of that name. I installed the version with 1.5 gigs video RAM or less. Log_saab.txt
  18. I am a glider pilot. I used to fly at RAAF Williamtown and RAAF Amberley back in the 70's. That was in a Blanik. Done some winch launches outback NSW. Could not even tell you where my licence was anymore - gave it all up as it simply took too long. It was ALL DAY for a couple of flights (if you were lucky). It was pretty cheap though as the RAAF paid for the fuel and as far as I know, the tow aircraft as well. I still remember that time fondly - gliding is a very intense sport. Also done a bit of light aircraft flying, but it was very poor compared to gliding. I actually flew the X-plane 10 glider around Cairns a bit the other day. Felt pretty much like the real thing except for the sound effects. There was virtually no sound in X-plane, which did not seem right.
  19. When I shut down the aircraft, and turn off everything - I still have warning lights and even panel lights still working. Is this correct? I would have thought that once you shutoff the Battery Master, that is if - dead and dark aircraft. This is with no external power. This is not a big problem of course - just puzzled since most other systems are done so well. Windows 7, 64, CRJ-200 V1.53.
  20. I started with Sublogic Flight Simulator 1 on the TRS-80. Spend many hours flying around a world of about 5 miles by 5 miles with NO scenery (and of course, no colour at all). I could even be over-estimating the size of the world. I loaded it off a cassette tape. And I think I have had every single flight simulator since. A really good one that I spent a lot of time on was Flight Assignment: ATP. This one was really good as it was so reliable. It was also one of the first where you could actually fly a Heavy with procedures. I spent a lot of time with the early MS FS variations (ending with FSX) but basically gave up as they were not reliable enough. I think the end came after something like a 5 hour flight from Singapore to Brisbane where FSX crashed. That sort of thing is devastating - all those hours of preparation, flying - only to just be cut off at the knees. I am starting to get back into flying again with X-Plane 10, on the understanding that as a currently and actively developed product, it will be a lot more reliable.
  21. Are there any good (free) sources for more information on the CRJ-200 itself, and in particular the FMS? There is almost no information on the FMS in the provided manuals except for the tutorial. Anything more would be useful
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