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Everything posted by Mac-man

  1. Ref: Order Number: 139332 I downloaded a copy of "State of Florida" on Saturday 25 November, 2023 for $29.95. After many attempts to find the download I was successful in downloading the installer. As suggested I added a folder to my X-Aviation folder named "RealScenery Downloads” ( I was told to add it anywhere on my computer so I thought I'd keep everything together ). I installed the scenery package in my X-Plane folder as instructed and used the RealScenery Downloads folder also as instructed. There is no reference to my installation of the State of Florida anywhere in my X-Plane folder except a folder to Uninstall (<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-). This folder named <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “- also appears in the RealScenery Downloads folder that I was instructed to add. I see no zip files or any reference to the Florida files in any folder in X-Plane. I don't see any difference in the scenery and don't know if It's even installed. How can I tell if It's installed? Did I do something wrong? Thanks, Guys Phil
  2. Ok, Guys, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. That did the trick. It set the gauges and even allows entries in the INET REF page. Now , if only I could get the application to quit normally with the Control-Q key. Cap'n Phil
  3. Cap'n Litjan, Yes, I see the gauges in KG's but that's just the similar example in the prerecorded video. My gauges say lbs no matter what I put in the prefs. The fuel flow gauges to the right of them say KGPH no matter what I put in the prefs. And again I say that the FMS will not take any numbers at all on the INET REF page. Now maybe I'm not changing the correct prefs. I select the IXEG 737 and on that page I select "Customize". From there I select "Weight, Balance, & Fuel". And then at the top right corner I select "US Customary" or "Metric". I select "Done" and "Resume Flight". Are there other prefs that I am not aware of? In addition the fuel gauges never show the same totals that I input on the "Weight, Balance, & Fuel" pref page. Phil
  4. Here's the video, Guys. This is my problem exactly.
  5. Thanks, guys, but changed units and tried again. It won't take any number entry. Get "INVALID ENTRY". The FMS seems to work fine in LNAV without any weight input so I'll just let the airplane figure it all out.
  6. Ok, you're right. Thanks, I'll try again. I can not load weights in the FMS on the INET REF page on the Mac version of IXEG 737 Classic Plus 1.5.1 update. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Version 1.5 worked fine. Phil
  7. Can not load weights in the FMS on the INET REF page on 1.5.1 update.. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Phil
  8. Guys, I have previously purchased the Florida scenery package for X-Plane 11. Is it compatible with X-Plane 12 and can I simply copy the files to "Custom Scenery" in X-Plane 12? I cannot download it again since it says it has expired. Thanks, Phil philhansen@mac.com
  9. Thanks, at least I'm not alone.
  10. Guys, With the most current system on my iMac (13.5.2) using X-Plane 12 (12.06r3) and IXEG 737 Classic Plus, I can not quit the application without a "Force Quit". I get the beach ball and it says that X-Plane is not responding. This happened with my previous IXEG 737 using X-Plane 11. I had hoped that the using both new versions it would correct itself. Using any of the X-Plane aircraft the application quits normally. Any suggestions? Thanks, Phil
  11. Guys, I can't get my IXEG 737 HSI, Compass, and Flight directors to work in X-Plane 11. Tried reloading XP 11 and IXEG 737. No help. Red warning above FD when engaged. Can't set course on HSI. Thanks, in advance. Phil philhansen@comcast.net
  12. Let us know when It's released. Gotta have it. Mac-man philhansen@comcast.net
  13. Guys, Is this B-737 a download for X-Plane? If so where can it be found. I'd like to have a copy. It's very similar to the B-757/767 that I flew for Eastern Air Lines and Gulf Air in Bahrain. Phil Hansen philhansen@comcast.net
  14. Cameron, I've downloaded several other Michael Chang aircraft and they load ok. Everything seems to be working now. Thanks, Phil
  15. Cameron, I have downloaded the following 4 aircraft: Boeing 767-300F PW4000 L 11/14 Boeing 767-400ER BL 11/14 Boeing 767-300F PW4000 L 11/14 The above do not appear in the Aircraft selection. Boeing 767-300ER Australian 832 This one appears but will not load due to an error. Thanks, Phil
  16. Guys, I've downloaded several aircraft from the site. I've copied the folders to the Aircraft folder in X-Plane but they do not appear when I open up the application. What an I doing wrong? I have just downloaded the newest update of Version 10. Thanks, Phil
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