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HamSammich last won the day on May 1 2018

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  1. Saso: Aha! Now this is interesting. I have no hardware whatsoever that should affect that dataref. However I have had a similar problem with the LES SAAB and the G530 that was solved by manually turning the dataref on. Just wondering if there's something in common (Gizmo?) between the two planes that somehow farkles that particular dataref? In the meantime, I'll try flipping the DR manually to see if it fixes the MFD. I've got a couple other questions about other hardware (Brunner and RealSimGear) to ask. Mind if I contact you directly? Marshall
  2. I get the problems still. However, reloading aircraft and art universally fixes it. Very annoying, though.
  3. Sigh. And it's your other plane (another stone-cold masterpiece) that has the nice feature, so you of all people should see the need. I could also disable XPRealistic, so my camera doesn't move slightly. I could buy a bigger monitor and a higher-res mouse. I could learn Swedish and curse in two languages when I miss the click-spot, as far as that goes. It's an annoyance. Maybe not a big one, but an annoyance all the same, in what is the most obsessively-designed (And rendered) model I've ever flown. You're already nitpicking the AA on the synthetic vision, and coding your own navaid reception, and doing a million other obsessive things. As an obsessive, I'm asking other obsessives for just one more obsessive feature. (Biting my nails obsessively) Marshall (Or Sven, in Swedish)
  4. For illustration of the necessity, look at Helipilot7's videos. The guy knows his way around aircraft, but using the G1000's knobs with XP's zooming enabled makes even a sure-handed pilot look clumsy.
  5. Please ask him to. It's one of the little things that makes the LES SAAB more usable. In fact I'm utterly floored that everyone doesn't offer such an obvious and basic usability option. (Then again, nothing surprises me anymore.)
  6. I'm less concerned about any replacement key combo for the scrolling as I am in being able to simply disable it.
  7. Goran, Toto, As Goran knows, this is a compelling option on the LES 340A and would be most welcome on the TBM. There's nothing more annoying than slightly overshooting a click-spot and zooming instead of scrolling. Best, Marshall
  8. More importantly, welcome to one hell of an airplane
  9. Okay, deleting the entire output folder fixes the problem. I have no idea why.
  10. I have not yet deleted my entire output folder, but I have discovered another workaround, and it may be helpful diagnostically. Reloading the plane and art fixes the problem for me--which I'm beginning to think has something to do with load-order or synchronization with XP's underlying G1000 code as it loads or perhaps as it's invoked by the TBM. It's just my dumbass gut instinct. The reload even fixes a corrupted PFD/MFD once it's happened, but it also seems to prevent it if done BEFORE flipping on the batteries on the TBM. Still broken, but now at least fixable. I'll also try the output folder fix and report back. Best, Marshall
  11. Afraid it didn't work for me. Glad it did for you. Marshall
  12. Good luck!
  13. I did. And rolled it back one. I’m a former OS and newsroom computer system beta tester, so I’ve seen weird. But it’s an ambitious piece of software, with many interactions. This is bound to happen sooner or later. BTW, the computer is pretty vanilla. Nvidia, intel 8700 and windows 10. The G1000 on the stock Cessna works fine
  14. Yup. And reloaded the plane. And loaded new airframes. And done all the superstitious stuff. At first it seemed I could reproduce the problem by switching on battery power before the standby instruments were fully loaded, and curing it by waiting. Turned out to be random chance. It even happens in the tutorial, on a virgin install
  15. Hi Goran, I certainly appreciate your 11.31 nightmare. Did as you asked. Squeaky-clean XP install. Zero plug-ins. Then just my Brunner yoke plug-in. The problem manifested itself after several successful flights both clean and with the Brunner. Then, after having totally, utterly and properly shut down the plane, I restarted XP, only to have the TBM come up with the panel lit up and the Garmin broken. I promptly deleted the yoke plugin, removed and reinstalled the TBM, but the problem persisted. Therefore I'm attaching three log.txt files. One is clean and working. The second is yoke plugin and busted. The third is, again, clean, reinstalled aircraft but still kaput. Best, Marshall Log_Working_Clean.txt Log_Broken_Yoke_Only.txt Log_Broken_Clean.txt
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