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Everything posted by fsedano

  1. I can't click on 'continue' because I have no mouse connected. This is a full size cockpit, no mouse/keyboard to the sim. If 'continue' works, could we have an option to disable the error and just continue by default?
  2. @Ben Russellwould you have any suggestion on how to deal with this issue? Shall I file a ticket with IXEG directly? Due to this, the plane is unusable Thanks,
  3. Hi, in my case as you can see FPS is around 30-40. So something else is going on here.. Maybe VNC related?
  4. Screenshot of the issue.
  5. Hello folks -- Same issue here, same assert failed regarding frame rate. My setup might be unusual - I run 3 projectors and I access the sim using VNC. I can reproduce it 100% of time. IXEG is unusable for me
  6. Hi, Jan. Thanks for the prompt reply. i have no axis assigned and actually there's no joystick or similar assigned. If I change the plane to the stock 737 then datarefs work as they should. I can post a video if it helps. could somebody double check if the data ref stay at 1 when you set it? In my case they return immediately to 0
  7. Hello folks, I just noticed in v 1.21 datarefs for the brakes have no effect - This used to work on previous version. I'm trying to use sim/cockpit2/controls/left_brake_ratio and sim/cockpit2/controls/right_brake_ratio and, as soon as I set them to '1', they move back to 0. However, if I use the command to brake, or a joystick axis,I see the plane braking and datarefs changing to 1. Is there another dataref to activate brakes? Thanks,
  8. Hello, The custom-made controls I use on my cockpit support a fully customizable force profile, meaning I can modify how much force you need to apply to the controls, I can change the neutral position, etc, based on any parameter. I've seen when using IXEG, datarefs for force feedback return always 0. I've edited the aircraft to add some (random!) values on the force feedback related pages but with no success, I guess the custom programming of IXEG blocks this. Could anybody share: - Is it possible to have IXEG output the right information about force feedback? - Else, can somebody share more or less how controls feel on the real aircraft? Specifically: - Does the force neccesary vary with the speed? - Does the 'springiness' of the control also vary? - When trim is applied, does the physical 'neutral' position of the yoke also moves? Thanks!
  9. Hi, 3 projectors, 1 GPU, 1 machine. 3 separate displays with their own angle, offsets, etc, using the multi screen capabilities of x-plane.
  10. Thanks Jan - I'll follow up with them. Do you know which API you use to show/hide the menu, so they can check if that one is behaving properly? Appreciate the feature request. I'll take a picture from the cockpit later, I think you agree it looks silly to be in your 3 projector full size sim with a part of a popup just in the middle of the scenery. Thanks,
  11. Hello, The one I'm talking is the IXEG menu, not gizmo. My setup is a 3 projector, and the main display is right one, so it might be when I move the mouse (in VNC) from the rightmost screen towards the center screen, it detects it as 'left border'? I guess for a multiple screen setup you want to display the menu when the mouse is at the left on the leftmost one, not the primary one.
  12. Hello, For us having a home cockpit, the on-screen menu is a pain. I personally have a 3 projector setup and no keyboard or mouse attached to the computer running x-plane. Sometimes I have to spend the flight with the menu on screen. I use VNC to access the computer if needed, and *sometimes* I manage to close it. Would it be possible to have a way to remove it? (via dataref, or any other means). Thanks!
  13. Hello folks, With IXEG 1.2 and X-Plane 11.10 (didn't try with 11.05 yet) view always defaults to 'inside cockpit', even in my graphics menu I've set up 'Forward with scenery' view on the graphics menu. Every other plane properly honors this setting, but it seems IXEG overrides it somehow. Since I've a full physical cockpit, I want to have the virtual cockpit always disabled. Pressing Ctrl-W correctly disables 3d cockpit, leaving me with just the scenery, as I want.. Thanks!
  14. Hi, I wrote a plugin to interface Opencockpits with X-Plane, I use it with IXEG for my home cockpit: http://www.fransedano.net/?cat=6
  15. Thanks!!! For some reason my dataref editor does not show any of the ixeg datarefs (?) Any trick?
  16. Great! That's great, thanks!! Would you mind sharing the list? I missed that one, where did you get it from?
  17. Hello folks, I'm thinking on building my flight sim cockpit around the very nice IXEG, but I found no way to export FMC strings using dataref. Commands for input are there, but not output. Could this please be considered? We don't need anything fancy, just exporting the text strings that are displayed on each line would be more than enough. Please please do consider it... Otherwise not really possible to interface with a real cockpit :/ Thanks!
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