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  1. great .... thanks for quick response !
  2. Hi there, I'm not familiar with english language; I have understand that you are waiting for an update of skymaxxpro V2... So, is this update released or are we waiting for it? Sorry for my dumb question
  3. Hi, Yes it worked
  4. ok, I see .... Thanks very much for your help
  5. Sorry , but you mean that this sliders only work if I use default wheater ? They have no effect with X-planes native wheater engine or EFASS one? That could explain why I have no effect on my framerate by moving them ( I always play in real wheater condition...) So the only way to decrease cloud coverage could be done in EFASS ?
  6. Hello there, I tried EFASS 's weather engine , works fine, I've got the feeling that I won some FPS even though I have more cloud density. But it seem's that the sliders of "maxim size clouds" and "minimum size clouds" are controlled by EFASS, is this right? Because I put them off just like draw distance , and I still have lot of clouds Are there other parameters that are only controlled by EFASS ? Thanks for your answer, and by the way sorry for my english
  7. ok, thank you very much
  8. Hi there, I would like to un-install SMP 2 and make a clean install, because since 10.30 RC I've lost lots of FPS. I would like to try this to solve the problem, but I don't find any uninstaller... Thanks so much for a response ....
  9. All I can say , is that I'm very satisfied by your product , it doesn't matter me to turn cloud drawing down, there are still enough clouds and no more performance problems for me (and by the way I keep the res at max )... The thing I will try is to slow down thee draw distance like you are advising me when it come's to stormy weather and then it should be fine.... ps: sorry for my english, it is a melt of ggole traductor and my poor knowledge of shakespeare's language In all case, thanks for your help , have a nice day ....
  10. Hello there, Thank you for your reply; I did some tests yesterday, I had no crach in several flight, remaining around 20-30 fps .... I lowered the clouds minimum and maximum slider , cloud coverage remained satisfying and beautiful. Increasing the maximum details of clouds does not affect , nor godrays, I have no drop in performance, it seems that only the number of clouds makes my fps drop (i have detail at max , reflections, god rays , high res everywhere) ... It must be said that there were many stormy areas these days (I'm using only real wheater), it immediately triggers a mini freeze and slowdown my FPS .... I have X-Plane 10.30 b8, HDR on détail max, jar a 320 and photosceneries X16 everywhere ( X17 in airport areas).... My config : I5 3550 3,3ghzradeon 7950 3 Go Vram8 Go Ram. I am not sure that the overall issues from other users are essentially due to ram....
  11. hello there, Sorry it took so long to answer you, I had no time at all, and since installing XP-plane 10.30b8 and Sky maxx 2.00, I had no crach when selecting god rays . Thank you for offering me this great version, like many, I have no words to thank you ! I had just one desktop return by making a flight just now (but I have done several flights with no problems at all), but .log does not indicate what has crached , would you still interested in the .log in order to track down any bugs? here it is : Log.txt have a nice evening ....
  12. Hello there, I am a user of Skymaxxpro, I just go to the 10.30b7 a few days ago and I crashes since ... I discovered when activating or deactivating "godrays", the simulator immediately crach even having just been loaded ... I looked in the relase notes for future 10.30b8 and I found here: "Fixed crash When loading a custom scenery with user-created spill-lights with normal non-normalized vectors." http://www.x-plane.com/?article=x-plane-10-30-release-notes Does my crash problems could come from there?
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