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Colin S

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Everything posted by Colin S

  1. All development on hiatus until move is completed and Windows 10 is installed.

  2. I needed a break from the seriousness of scenery development and summer camp to fly the K7 through the valleys of coastal BC.
  3. Coming soon to a file library near you.
  4. Niihau is near completion.

  5. What scenery is this?
  6. They found out that I shoplifted some maple syrup from the duty-free at YVR. Darn.
  7. As I don't know how to rewrite the terrain files yet, I have to say it's a little irritating that I completely rebuilt CYXS from the default parallel-taxiway layout with three runways to an accurate representation and all I was met with was this: But I won't just complain about this, or it would be on the RANT board. I'm posting here because I want to know if anyone else has met this issue and discovered an effective workaround to this - original airport poorly placed, leaving bad airport terrain for the rebuilt airport. Any takers? I have terrain issues such as those that follow:
  8. Just around my low-resolution experiment of Molokai. Niihau is next, I'll get some shots next... this was a beautiful flight, Molokai is different from all sides.
  9. Thanks Chris - it needs more people like you too. Your sceneries are staples of the X-Plane world. Niihau next, probably before the end of the week... time to pump out the rest of Hawaii since I solved the ortho-placement issue.
  10. Thanks for the thanks, but the true guilty party in making these sceneries is Javier (the guy who made the FSX versions). I just take them, grind them up, cut them up, make them more suitable to what I like and then hand them off to you. I am a middle man dealing the product of a much higher power.
  11. Thanks Cameron! It was only possible with the help of numerous members of this community, especially the one who makes the community exist.
  12. Thanks for the positive response! If you have any comments on it, feel free to share as this is the first major island in the series and we have some time before the next island with airports is released (Niihau is next and then Molokai). I just want to have a good idea of what the people want Cheers!
  13. Lanai 0.9 has been released, it will be visible soon in the File Library. Please read the description carefully.
  14. Lanai has been uploaded, pending approval.

  15. Heh.
  16. Sorry Cameron, I've never heard that expression and to someone who has never heard that expression it sure sounds a lot like me faking that anything had actually happened. My bad. Thanks for the clarification. I knew they were the installers, and thank you for clarifying that they are destroyable. Problem solved gentlemen, thank you!
  17. Okay, I consider that the go ahead to destroy them Thanks!
  18. Heh.
  19. So, my partner in crime Javier (who made the original FSX sceneries) sent me the coordinates and sped a process that took me a month with Lanai (two textures in FSX) up to ten minutes for Molokai (three textures). Anyways, here are some early, low-resolution previews of Molokai. Maybe I'll try to pump out Niihau before August is over since it has no airports at all and will be about the detail of Kahoolawe.
  20. I'm not "faking myself," whatever that is supposed to imply. I'm just looking for a bit of help. I'll remove the file and see if SkyMAXX still works. If it doesn't well then I guess I'm hooped, eh?
  21. It was installed with SkyMAXX Pro (as in I watched the file appear and saw the words CommonRedist flash up) when it was installing. If it's a trojan I'm unimpressed but I'll scan it. Here's the file structure. Cameron or John might be able to shed some light. EDIT Apparently it's to do with C++ 2010. I still need to know if it's vital for SkyMAXX
  22. God out for the final testing flight before packaging up Lanai and sending my baby out into the real world. I am very pleased with my work, personally. I even optimized the textures for flying at Gamma = 2.0 as oppose to my normal setting of 1.6 (I dunno, I'm weird).
  23. Why are reflections showing up like this? They aren't custom assets, they are default assets used in a custom scenery pack (Lanai). I can provide more information on request.
  24. Hi, This isn't a performance issue but it's more an aesthetic. I'm a bit OCD about file organization on my computer and I want to know if the folder that was placed in my X-Plane 10 root directory called _CommonRedist is vital or if it can be removed safely? Thanks, I love SkyMAXX, worth every penny and then some.
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