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Everything posted by RRVyper

  1. Same issue here. Randy Edit: Looking at the Saab 340A forum there appears to be an issue with the update. Looks like it was taken offline for a fix.
  2. I believe Simlink is used for the Navigraph Charts app not for AIRAC data. For that you'd need a subscription to their FMS Data. I don't own Charts so I may be mistaken. Cheers.
  3. An unfortunate reality, I guess. I know there is no perfect DRM system and piracy affects more than developers, I was jut a bit frustrated with the time it was taking to get a response. I'm not sure if Cameron is a one-man support team or how many support requests come in during the run of a day, I just didn't know where I was in the queue and it was keeping me from enjoying this great sim and the wonderful add-ons sold by X-Aviation. But, I'm back in the virtual skies now... ...and learning some patience.
  4. Solved. Thanks, Cameron.
  5. So today I fire up XP11 and it asks me to enter my X-Aviation credential then name my computer. I do so and now I have Machine ID Locked in XP11 as well. I have still to receive a response to my trouble ticket (S8HKQ) that was submitted for XP10. Should I submit another ticket now for XP11? Or perhaps email support? This is very frustrating. Randy
  6. Thanks, Ben, but no joy: <edit> I checked the Machine IDs via Gizmo and they are identical in both XP10 and XP11. The Gizmo logs show a license database issue and empty license file (XP10 on the left). But the X-Aviation login is working.
  7. While I wait for my support ticket to be addressed, can anyone shed some light on why I am receiving Machine ID Locked activation error in XP10 but the same products in XP11 on the same machine continue to activate OK. Is it an outdated Gizmo version in XP10? Is it the Windows 10 Creator's Update?
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