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Everything posted by jadaz

  1. Cool then, I can wait for this one to finish! flew the real thing from 2010 to 2014 (TMA Cargo), I would be so happy to put my hands on it again
  2. Hi Martin, how have you been? are you related to the CremonaSoft A310? Jad
  3. Wow Martin, I didn't know you were involved in all this , I am indeed more than old enough, and HNAC 's A306 was an enjoyable airplane! I flew the real A306 for TMA from 2010 till their permanent shut down in 2014, let me tell you, your overhead model had me jaw dropping all over. If I ever return to the A306 I will let you know. Keep it up!
  4. You should find the developers of the SSW A310 for FS2k2 and FS9, they put a huge effort in creating a study level A310 for back then but alas it was full of bugs due to its sophistication, I don't know if you could use their help or maybe they can use yours! And a very happy new year to you and your cute family! Jad
  5. Holy Smokes!!!!!
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