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Everything posted by Jedipie

  1. Thanks for your feedback guys and I'll see what I can do with that.
  2. I have actually smoothed those out and I have the landing gear on aswell but I'm stuck on the prop.
  3. Ok. Ill see how that goes. Thanks, Michael
  4. How do I make my propeller grab air. I have all the dimensions from the company but I don't know how to put em in. Thanks, Michael
  5. Another update
  6. Well heres my first day of work on it. I think it's going well. Tell me what you think. Tips? AND this could not have happened without Wombatboy's help. Many thanks to him
  7. Actually I'm installing Photoshop now and my mom is like the voodoo maker of Photoshop and she'll help me out with it. Thanks though for the support. It is very much appreciated! Thanks, Michael
  8. Thanks so much. I can't figure out how to overlap the 3 views without them covering up one another. I'm using gimp. How do you make the backgrounds transparent.... Thanks, Michael
  9. What is the best way to get all the dimensions of the nose and so forth?
  10. We have decided that were gonna make a Piper Tomahawk. I have the specs but cant find anywhere the 3 view layers like in the first tutorial. If someone has a link please post it. Thanks, Michael & Matt
  11. Alright, thanks guys for your support. Much appreciated!] Thanks, Michael & Matt
  12. Ok so me and a firend have undertaken aircraft development. I doing the 3D modeling and he does proggraming and gauges. If possible could we get a list of all or most of the utilities needed like blender and what not. Also if theres any good tutorials for modeling or gauge programming would be superb also. Thanks, Michael & Matt
  13. I fly a PA28 235. In the mornings and late evenings are the best cause the air calms down. It is a great feeling when theres no bumps at all.
  14. In real life there is usually turbulance but very light. Im a pilot and 99% of the time i encounter light to moderate turbulance. But XP does seem to overdo it.
  15. I agree with Kesomir
  16. Well I don't know when you will be closing the testing. I'm actually on vacation right now. I didn't expect something that quick but I get back on the 6th and can try it out then. I run Windows 7 32bit. Hope you still have it going then! If not, it looks like you got enough people already on this one. Regards, Michael
  17. Yes I can be a tester. I have the feel and eye of detail for it. I know most of the procedures therefore I know how things should react. I'm learning modeling as a side hobby at the moment. It would be nice to get the apprenticeship though. Earlier I was offering something to start up together with someone new also. I should have clarified that. If you have a spot I would be delighted to work with you.
  18. Well I'm a good beta tester because I am a pilot. I have an eye for perfection. That is why I only fly few aircraft in sims. Recently I have undertaken plane modleing for XP. I havn't done much at all with it but I learn fast. I'm not just saying that either. I only had about 6 hours when I soloed. Seeing how I'm not far into modleing I could start programming. That has always been something I want to learn. I'd really love to be part of this Michael
  19. Jedipie

    Project 3

    I would only buy it if it had the right fmc style in the aircraft. I don't want to pay for a bunch of add ons either for it. I would love to use this aircraft in my videos.
  20. I can't right now cause I'm on vacation but when I get back I'll post here. So bare with me. I'll get it up like saturdayish
  21. I'm running Windows 7 32bit. And I know I should haha
  22. I'm not really to familiar with computer hardware but here's some specs. Intel quad core Q8400 2.66ghz Nvidia 8800gts 3gb ram That's all the major stuff I know Oh and I turned all the settings real low and it stays the same
  23. People always say xp runs good on low end computers but mine doesn't lol. I have a decent computer. I play fsx all on max. I've heard that it runs better than fsx but not what I've seen. I always get the haze and crappy frames. Can anyone help? Thanks, Michael
  24. Hello all, I'm posting this up to see if mabye i could get a little software development team going for XP. I see a lot of you guys single handed making great models but with this we can possibly get a programmer in aswell and get some good quality software. I don't know if this is against the forums rules to post this so if it is just remove it. Anyways, if your interested let me know. Thanks' Michael
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