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Everything posted by everstalker

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Have fun with Air Berlin it´s a repaint from the 737-700 D-AHXC in use for Tui Fly
  2. Air Berlin View File Have fun with Air Berlin it´s a repaint from the 737-700 D-AHXC in use for Tui Fly Submitter everstalker Submitted 05/05/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  3. To the theme Beta Testers, I thing IXEG don´t need Beta testers the only one that they and we need is Jan It´s not enough to play X Plane since 10 years when the tester haven´t a type rating of this one and can´t test the diffrents procedures Chris
  4. Hello, first sorry for my english, for me I can say that I was very sad that it comes not out in late 2015 but I understand the statement. I think many people waiting patiently.do not fret about the negative posts. I think the most people are waiting and not write in this forum. best regards Chris
  5. Is the project dead?
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