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Everything posted by bigbasspic

  1. Veace, thanks for this valuable information! Being a Mac-XP-Flyer I am looking for a midpriced pc for this hobby – you know why :-) Could you give any information if an i7 would be worth the extra cost (XP mainly) ? Bassy regards Benjamin
  2. what a bummer... Can not find this client for my decent modern mac...
  3. If it can fly patterns, I guess it can do the rest... Be assured it will be more than one pattern! And, btw, in the beginning it's all about the smell of a new aircraft...
  4. Just some VFR pattern work first. Expecting the unexpected
  5. Thank you for reply! To me, clicking buttons on screen with the mouse is much further away from reality than typing letters on the keyboard. But as said: Let's wait for customer feedback after release. Pitty about AirTrack, but as expected Bassy regards Benjamin
  6. Moin, maybe I overread it, but a ) will you be able to enter FMS data via keyboard and b ) will the 737 work with AirTrack on the iPad? Bassy regrads, Benjamin
  7. Thumbs up!!! That's where they should go, my 5 ct Bassy regards, Benjamin
  8. So, 93.77% = 5 years, this means 121.25 days to go Bassy regards, Benjamin
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