thanks for this valuable information! Being a Mac-XP-Flyer I am looking for a midpriced pc for this hobby – you know why :-) Could you give any information if an i7 would be worth the extra cost (XP mainly) ?
Bassy regards
If it can fly patterns, I guess it can do the rest... Be assured it will be more than one pattern! And, btw, in the beginning it's all about the smell of a new aircraft...
Thank you for reply! To me, clicking buttons on screen with the mouse is much further away from reality than typing letters on the keyboard. But as said: Let's wait for customer feedback after release. Pitty about AirTrack, but as expected Bassy regards Benjamin
Moin, maybe I overread it, but a ) will you be able to enter FMS data via keyboard and b ) will the 737 work with AirTrack on the iPad? Bassy regrads, Benjamin