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Everything posted by Eagle

  1. There could be a developer who had tested it, but chances to get an answer here are pretty small I guess ... we'll have to wait and see My guess is that this transition will be pretty smooth. My concern is if I'll be able to use TrackIr 5. It works like a dream in 10.6.8, but I wonder if linux-track will work in Lion ... > It hasn't been released yet. There's no way anyone could know.
  2. There's a lot of things in fsx I would like to see in x-plane. I left fsx for three (tree) reasons: Trees: the shimmering was worse with the latest updates of windows, drivers and whatnot, and the issue was beyond repair. Performance: I never got a computer that could cope with it, even if I spent a lot of money. Dead end: Computers and video cards develops, but the core is discontinued, so we have to move on. X-plane is the only alternative. If only x-plane could have the scenery, generic airport scenery, airplane, AI and ATC more equal to fsx, I'd be very happy with it. And maybe it will in time, cause after all it's still developing. I don't care about the GUI issue, after all (even if it looks a bit odd) the joystick setup, and replay engine is much more efficient than MSFS. Also the local map is a joke in fsx, but aok in x-plane. One thing I miss is a good looking tubeliner cockpit with accurate systems like PMDG. The 737x is ok system-wise, but without a decent 3d cockpit I don't get the right feeling. The actual flying feeling is IMO far better in x-plane. I've tried both 737 and Dash-8 at an aviation academy with completely real cockpits, and x-plane is much closer to that feel. So guys, lets hope all the good MSFS stuff will be integrated to x-plane in not a far future. Also I hope more people will port over to x-plane so that the community could be more crowded :-) Have fun! Eagle
  3. Hi, When flying ND's YAK-55M I switch on Puff Smoke. I was hoping for a bit more than just a sparse tail of quick disappearing dots behind the plane. Is there a setting for this some place? Eagle
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