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Everything posted by Ironmaiden

  1. Don't know what to say
  2. you are still comparing real vs virtual and IMO they are different , a virtual world will also make you dizzy . well as I said i am not technically qualified as to what fps an eye needs to see clean / clear / smooth / jerk less motion. Do realize we are playing with real time object creation. in a real world they already exist. here it is the computer world which needs to create it every time the same or maybe different objects and scenarios hence we run after having more fps that means that your comp needs to be super quick. As I said this is my opinion. You are free to comment though. Simply put it, you don't like the scenery or the tool you are free not to use it. no offence or anything intended towards you. I come from FSX and i know that fps is essential , there FSX is a good example. why not try a flight around the heaviest area having OSM data using W2XP and keep the settings to the max and see what you are achieving , every computer will behave differently even though they may have a similar config. Seriously just try it and fly around , take some flights around zurich / geneva and see how it feels and if you haven't flown in Switzerland in XPX with the HD Mesh and the photo scenery and W2XP then let me tell you that you are missing something, its beautiful, or better yet fly from Schiphol towards Seppe South West as Netherlands is pretty heavy on the comp. One thing I would like to say this is what i wanted in a simulator the real world objects or object placements and here it is. Don't go too much on the object models and textures as I think in the future they will start getting matured enough. But still they look very very nice. Fly man.
  3. Tom, Honestly I don't think above 25-30 fps matters to the eye in the real world, I think the eye needs a minimum of 24-25 fps to see clean motion but i am no scientist . virtual world is just different , the reason we run behind more fps is the kind of objects the CPU and GPU has to render, even if you get a 50 fps but if the CPU / GPU needs to render something there your fps is gone, that is what I feel. I even fly at 15-19 fps and enjoy it, yes it hurts the eyes after some time. If you don't like the FPS hit than you should stick to osm2xp. I have not noticed a fps hit with W2XP. and my rendering settings are almost maxed out but I am limited due to the GPU on both my machines. Try KBFI and see what fps hit are you getting and that airport is really well made and guess what it uses R2 library IIRC. That is in Seattle. The KBFI is free from .org but I guess you are not able to access .org , why not contact the admin ?
  4. Tom, This thing works, and its free and i honestly would not expect to have everything merged as one. There are individuals who are doing this and trying to make it very flexible and the results I see are just great.
  5. I like that config superb. but you have to be a real pilot to test . Hey just joking.
  6. Just started compiling NL , assigned 4 GB as the default causes problems. Post the details once done.
  7. Got it, I will try this with NL before going to Swiss.
  8. Yeah sure, was very very busy , but now I can. I am still setting up Hackintosh lol
  9. When was this released ?
  10. I need some help , guys i am xpx on linux and i thought Flywithlua should work in linux but it not. I am sure I downloaded one for linux.
  11. I use XPX on my Toshiba , though its not all maxed but pretty close. I am trying the performance as a Hack intosh / linux / windows. the best performance I got was from Linux . In linux it loads XPX without any load on the system. with the rendering settings I have I am pulling a good 20-25 fps especially in europe using tonys tool and even in seattle its flyable. but due to the limitation of my GT525m i don't tend use clouds it just kills. But this is not the main system I run XPX but my desktop. What you got there on a laptop is pretty strong.
  12. Wow just lovely
  13. Freaking nice, what system are you running XPX on ?
  14. It looks so nice, Though I am using FXAA but so cool.
  15. Great looking forward to it.
  16. Nuremberg looks cool.
  17. Switzerland here i come .
  18. Blacky, Nice , but why some of the buildings got weird textures ?
  19. I have Nuremberg using W2XP 1.1 Beta
  20. So this German data is compiled using W2XP 1.1 Beta ?
  21. The compiled germany data.
  22. Blacky where is it ?
  23. @Tony, Just did Frankfurt wow nice, but I have one suggestion, Can't you randomize the brown rooftops with whites also ? I don't know how it is in Europe as I have never been there, but there are too many browns.
  24. where are you uploading the patch ?
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