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Everything posted by Ironmaiden

  1. when is it gonna be released ?
  2. Twin otter freeone
  3. I am going laptop this time ,mostly broadwell but maybe after a few months
  4. I think the Asus gaming series or the Lenovo gaming series should be nice.
  5. @Tony, I may need to be off W2xp till i get a powerful system . I need to get the Intel (Haswell or Broadwell) and I am going off AMD GPU (just because of the drivers) and going for a GTX series . Or going to save up for a gaming laptop
  6. A new Beta available
  7. I am trying it now. seems to be working
  8. Yes if you are using W2XP generated data it may taxout the system. As I use W2XP with all maxed and the max fps I have in Europe varies between 15 to 30 but still cool to fly. And BTW the data generated with W2XP ain't Faux as it is the real world data put into place unlike FSX autogen . e.g. you will see the Reich-stag in Berlin exactly it should be , hey I saw it in XPX Why not go Bush flying , would be awesome in alaska / canada. Try the Twin Otter from .org freaking cool aircraft. If Alpilotx can also get HD mesh for Africa even that would be great flying over jungles.
  9. You don't have much rendering objects . why ?
  10. Hmm I don't know but see no difference except the clouds , or am i missing something ?
  11. Wonderful. Getting better and better.
  12. Thanks Tony, meant a lot. But if you hadn't taken the initiative I guess we still would have been on the default osm2xp. Tony a stupid request, now I don't know if it is possible. Can you remove those light blue buildings from village areas like non-city ones and only leave them in the city and put more of those light brown and chocolate brown roofs for the villages / rural areas ?
  13. Oh man its great to fly there. LSGL contains W2xp data very well , see on the right side of the runway just downhill awesome., the buildings are perfect there. AeroflyFS , yes the videos look fantastic. Don't know about the physics and stuff as I don't have it. BTW check your PM i have a small test recording using Camstudio and used Freemake to convert it to .mp4.
  14. Please take a flight from LSGL but in a GA like a Cub or a Cessna . I am right now jumping around airports in Switzerland. Thun - is stunning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airports_in_Switzerland Going by this list
  15. LOL actually i did read it .
  16. Awww. So it should be enabled by W2XP next version ?
  17. LOL k. Hey give me that bridge.
  18. @Tony, Are you using HDR in those snaps ? It looks too bright.
  19. Nice , looking forward to the new versions of both.
  20. Thinking of trying out XPX and W2XP with Photoscenery under linux using everything maxed and see if it still crashes. But the problem is Xsquawkbox is only 32 bit for Linux but i am so tired of getting everything updated in Lubuntu and with my net speed at home it will be crawl. The crash usually happens in Amsterdam when connecting to Xsquawkbox. Right now I got a crash at EHAM with Xsquawkbox but the two crashes were AMD GPU related (On the Desktop). Tried the same flight on the laptop (Which has NVIDIA GPU) and that was an XPX crash. Funny.
  21. Tony, For me Paris is looking blank. I am using the W2XP from Simheaven,
  22. Hmm ya that could be an access issue. Though it does not happen on my laptop or my desktop. I would suggest trying putting Objects on Default and try. You may not noticed much of difference between Extreme and Default. Give it a try. I get blury textures on the laptop and it takes a few seconds to show it up correctly. My settings on the laptop for Objects is to Default. what RPM is your HDD ? on a hdd it will be slower plus if you have a slower CPU and that could also slow it down.
  23. What problem are you facing ?
  24. Super flight from Schiphol
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