Hi Everyone, I'm pleased to announce the first fly in to unite X-Pilot members in the virtual world! I have organized together a fly in to be held at KMPI on Sunday September 12th starting at 10 AM (GMT -4), 3PM (GMT +1) and 4PM (GMT +2) Basically this fly in is made to meet other X-Pilot flyers, and to teach people who have never used VatSim how to use it and the proper procedures. You can fly whatever you want to the fly in but may I suggest XA planes, especially the MU2 as it has an CSL and it would be nice to see 10s of MUs flying around KMPI! but again just fly whatever you want! and have fun with it! The KMPI scenery is available at x-plane.org at http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=11317 XSquawkbox is available at http://www.xsquawkbox.net/ The directions to install are pretty straight forward, but if you do have any questions just write them on this thread or send me a PM! It'l be nice to see fellow X-Pilot pilots in the X-Plane world! Hope you can join this, Oliver (ZE 007) PS if you could list your call signs here it would be nice, as it may be complicated to know who's who while we're all out and about flying around! PPS We need lotsa' people to make this memorable!!!