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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Awesome Theo! You need some time off from all the texturing Goran is making you do ;D
  2. Wow! Great scenery Simon! Beautiful just Beautiful! Can't wait!
  3. We're gonna have an Australia fly in very shortly!
  4. Lol, ooops thanks for catching that small error! Fixed to September!
  5. That looks amazing!!!! I can't wait to fly there! I already love your KMPI! Thanks guys!
  6. Don't you worry Simon! I already planned another fly in for Aussies! Probably will be one of those coming weekends! I'd drink a few Red Bulls and some coffee and stay up all night to fly with y'all! And yeah, I will take lots o screenshots for you, and I'm also gonna film the whole event and post the video on X-Pilot!
  7. Nout, make sure you arrive at KMPI by 4PM Your time
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm pleased to announce the first fly in to unite X-Pilot members in the virtual world! I have organized together a fly in to be held at KMPI on Sunday September 12th starting at 10 AM (GMT -4), 3PM (GMT +1) and 4PM (GMT +2) Basically this fly in is made to meet other X-Pilot flyers, and to teach people who have never used VatSim how to use it and the proper procedures. You can fly whatever you want to the fly in but may I suggest XA planes, especially the MU2 as it has an CSL and it would be nice to see 10s of MUs flying around KMPI! but again just fly whatever you want! and have fun with it! The KMPI scenery is available at x-plane.org at http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=11317 XSquawkbox is available at http://www.xsquawkbox.net/ The directions to install are pretty straight forward, but if you do have any questions just write them on this thread or send me a PM! It'l be nice to see fellow X-Pilot pilots in the X-Plane world! Hope you can join this, Oliver (ZE 007) PS if you could list your call signs here it would be nice, as it may be complicated to know who's who while we're all out and about flying around! PPS We need lotsa' people to make this memorable!!!
  9. Ok so here's what I'm thinking, KMPI at 4 PM for GMT +2, at 3PM for GMT +1, and it should be about 11PM for most of our Aussies, in case some of them are still up!
  10. Thank you! I used normal 3D cockpit view, then just pressed page down to move back into the back of the plane, and I then used fraps to record it all Thanks!
  11. The org has a section of the Download Manager that contains CSLs, and it's just about the only place you can find a few of them. Not sure what you mean by reporting software? And ok guys what do you all think if this fly in takes place sunday the 12th at KMPI?
  12. Thanks Simon! Always great to get compliments from the person who first inspired me to make X-Plane video And hmm I'm not sure if there is issues, I use Fraps.
  13. Oliver

    Project 3

    Beautiful, just beautiful! Thanks guys!
  14. Glad to hear ya like it Theo! I heard your city had been hit by the earthquake, glad you're alright Thanks for the tips, will keep it in mind for next flights and next videos! Don't worry once that Saab and that 747 are out you'll see plenty more videos
  15. Thanks! And it's Fly Tampa
  16. Cool! Just Pm if you got more questions as to how to get Squawkbox up and running and all that!
  17. Or try format factory, converts anything into anything and it's free!
  18. Here's a little video I whipped up trying something new. X737 v4 taking off Midway. Used some effects.Tell me if you like this kind of video with the effects and all! Enjoy! Btw guys, watch it in HD!!!! I render the video in HD for a reason ;D
  19. You don't need any other programs! Squawkbox has a built in radio system, all you need is a microphone!
  20. I don't understand what you mean by Virtual Radio, maybe someone else will clarify on that lol, and I think there might be a program but I'm not 100% sure since I do not use one
  21. All I use is squawkbox and a program I found online called Joker that let's me program a button on my joystick to be the button I have to press for radio contact.
  22. Who's your friend? I control a bit at KBOS as well. I'm a controller at KZMP - Minneapolis on VATSIM as my primary facility. If you guys want/need coverage for a fly-in in our airspace at all, let me know. And alright thanks
  23. I mean I understand where you're comming from, the thing is I certainly doubt that even XP 10 will have land textures as realistic as Real Scenery, I mean just Norcal is around 90GBs so I doubt that the whole XP world will include scenery that detailed
  24. Trust me I'm sure Indi- is working his ass off to have a working installer, and to get the package all set up...
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