I just wanted to say thank you for yet another update. This version is to my mind absolutley the best yet. Some screenshots here - if you have 2 or 3 screens use them as size matters - they were taken on my 3 screen set up. http://1drv.ms/1zwtkkR The smoothness of transitions, the lighting, the way the shadows transition over the ground as the clouds move and the sheer realism is very special. Have been P3Ding a bit lately (horses for courses and all that) and I use Rex - and whilst it can render a variety of clouds that the X Plane weather engins does not seem to be able to muster, those coulds are not as good as Sky Maxx ones in my opinion. When you are in them they just don't have that special wow feeling that the Sky Maxx ones muster. I have included a couple of P3D shots (I hope this is allowed?) and you can tell the difference straight away - they are good but just not that real - more like a painting for a scenery backdrop than a real cloud. Thanks again for a great product and another free update - would have paid all over again but much appreciated that I didn't have to. cheers Peter