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Everything posted by CaptCWGAllen

  1. Well I must say I am totally smitten with TerraMaxx. Have been flying the three new seasons up in Alaska. I love the overlays, and the detail using the normal maps option is stunning. Also love the way the light changes with the seasons. I think the subtle hues are just gorgeous. Brilliant addition. Thank you. Game changer ! Peter
  2. Wow - fantastic news (and the Saab updated too!). Waiting for it to up on the site to purchase.
  3. Fabulous. Just purchasing! Cheers Peter
  4. Looks fabulous - very realistic. Looks like it is using PBR as well? cheers Peter
  5. I am interested in purchasing the Duchess once it is fully compatible with XP 11. Thanks Peter
  6. Thanks John.
  7. Sorry to ask - but any further news? If so does it involve the new dynamic seasons texturing that apparently will be availble in 10.4........or have I mis-read recent LR announcements? Thanks Peter
  8. https://youtu.be/sjATCkvvKGA
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  9. Looks just like this and we will be able to recreate it - amazing. http://youtu.be/7mxmFCw-Dig Cheers Peter
  10. Wow Silverlining 4 is looking magnificent. On the other key subject Frank (and I know it has been asked a number of times) - but do you think you will ever get any traction with Laminar to introduce Triton? Is there even a slight chink of light? Can we pester them en masse to push it along? Cheers Peter
  11. Is there any further news on this or has it proved too difficult? Or have I missed a post - I did look in Northern California for updates. Thanks Peter
  12. Thank you - what fabulous community we have. Peter
  13. Wow Tony, Absolutely fantastc. Lost for words. Thank you so much. Nice to see you up in my training plane No worries about simheaven will get onto the w2xp site and sort it form there. Not looking hopeful for RW today so may get it done today (is that possible yet?) and have something not far off RW. Thanks again - really exicted by this new release. Peter PS What object setting are you using?
  14. Hi Tony, Will simheaven host 0.7 at somepoint? Thanks Peter
  15. I agree it's awful just look at these pics I took today - decided to throw the whole thing in the bin http://1drv.ms/19skJpG cheers Peter
  16. Looking fabulous - will definitely be on my purchase list. Looks like it is close to release? cheers Peter
  17. Wow - truly amazing. Thank you so much.
  18. Me too - the support on Sky Maxx has been awesome so want to support John and Frank as much as possible.
  19. Have you tried Matrox Triplehead2Go - I use that very succesfully - see screenshots - didn;t really take them fot this purpose but they prety much work for illustrative purposes. When you open a screenshot at the top go to View Original and then go full screen which will open it across all three screens - for some reason the way X Plane does screen shots it does't actual fill the whole of the three screens but it gives you a pretty good idea. I have no problems with it. I also use TrackIR. http://1drv.ms/1pnsFiu cheers Peter
  20. Ha ha ha - that's amazing - just so good!!! Puts my screen shot posts to shame. cheers Peter
  21. I have the same issue - no forced cirrus - but I had the same issue with 2 - however I just add them through the weather application so no issue. cheers Peter
  22. That's exactly right John. The Rex clouds have hard outlines which takes away the reality, and they are not true volumetric I dont think, even in P3D - you don't transition in and out like yours. Loving your clouds. About to go and spend a couple of hours in them!
  23. I just wanted to say thank you for yet another update. This version is to my mind absolutley the best yet. Some screenshots here - if you have 2 or 3 screens use them as size matters - they were taken on my 3 screen set up. http://1drv.ms/1zwtkkR The smoothness of transitions, the lighting, the way the shadows transition over the ground as the clouds move and the sheer realism is very special. Have been P3Ding a bit lately (horses for courses and all that) and I use Rex - and whilst it can render a variety of clouds that the X Plane weather engins does not seem to be able to muster, those coulds are not as good as Sky Maxx ones in my opinion. When you are in them they just don't have that special wow feeling that the Sky Maxx ones muster. I have included a couple of P3D shots (I hope this is allowed?) and you can tell the difference straight away - they are good but just not that real - more like a painting for a scenery backdrop than a real cloud. Thanks again for a great product and another free update - would have paid all over again but much appreciated that I didn't have to. cheers Peter
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