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Everything posted by diamonddriller

  1. That's great Cameron. I trust you try these things with more than default scenery, though Amazingly, after I posted above, Apple just announced the M4 MAX Studio (and the M3 Ultra one - too expensive for what I need!). What a coincidence.
  2. I would guess that Coop has tested the 525 with a Mac, with at least an M3 (and, hopefully, an M4). As the release of the updated Mac Studio is getting nearer, I would appreciate knowing how the plane performs with the latest available chips. I am thinking of getting a Studio with the M4 Max, but it's no cheapie, and before investing in one and retiring my 2020 iMac to my grandson (!), I'd like to know that it would be worth the expense Yes, I know Photoshop, etc., will run much faster........ Some Mac users may give me an idea of how XP12 is working with their existing Mac Silicon. There are some threads in "another place" that are encouraging, but they are not mentioning the 525 (or they hadn't when I last looked). My highly specced iMac struggles a bit with TorqueSim's Cirruses in XP11, and does run the 525 in XP12, but the performance is hardly stellar.
  3. I asked about this earlier:
  4. Thanks. Haven't noticed it before, somehow. I'm surprised, as it works normally in XP11. I'll map it to a key or switch.
  5. Seems fine in XP11. In XP12, I can't pop out the GNS530 or GNS430 in the 172SP. Am I missing something?
  6. Have been otherwise occupied for a few days, so didn't see your reply till today. Makes good sense Thanks for the service! Love the plane, of course.
  7. Cockpit inspection number 35 - Battery Switch OFF. That's OK, but nowhere after does it tell you to turn it on! Do you mean ON in 35, or maybe it goes on in "Before Starting Engines" ? No big deal, but it's nice to get it right
  8. Bought it, installed it, and (to my delight) flew it on a short trip in Florida! Didn't break anything, and (because I had seen the early streams) I got going quickly. I didn't exactly follow a checklist - I didn't look at one! - but the annunciator panel stayed dark, so I obviously wasn't doing anything too terrible. I even landed it nicely. I can't believe it! Coop - you've done a great job! I just used the 530s, so now I really need to study the right way to do things and get to grips with the FMS (eventually!). It just flies so nicely.
  9. Thanks Coop and Cameron. That's great. That will make life a bit easier in many scenarios. Looking forward to this BTW, I had a minor problem with the HSI in the latest piston Islander(XP12, Intel iMac). See the support note there.
  10. "I thought you were asking about the GPS. Setting to the CDI on the GNS does not require an active VOR, so you lost me there." I'm really sorry if I was not clear. If I just use the 530 to input my flight plan in the 525 (forget the FMS, say), and then I look at the HSI, if the GNS has VLOC set, the HSI will probably reference a VOR as tuned in the NAV part of the GNS, I suppose. In some HSI's the needle goes green. Some planes have a NAV/GPS switch on the panel, but that often (in X-Plane, usually!) just does the same thing as pressing the button on the 530 to switch to GPS. What I was trying to get across was, if I switch the GNS to display GPS (which, again, in many later HSI's turns the needle to magenta), will that have the same effect - not necessarily with a colour change of the needle)? Will the AP now be following the 530's GPS course? As I saw the plane last night, the panel switch was for NAV/FMS, as I remember it, but had no refernce to the GPS installed (in that case, the TDS ones). So, in effect, the 530 will tune the radios (COM and NAV), and may affect the HSI in VLOC (?), but just be for situational awareness/decorationn as far as its GPS capabilities are concerned. Or am I wrong? Thanks for looking at this. I'll buy the 525 anyway
  11. "Select the CDI option on the GNS so it takes control of the nav radio channel, then select NAV1 as the nav source for the EHSI." Yes, but will that follow a GPS output, which is not quite the same thing? After all, quite a lot of routes are no longer based on VOR radials. So, if I put (say) a TEC route in the 530, will the AP follow it if I don't use the FMS? "If X-Plane supports crossfill, then yes. Been too long since I've tried!" I frequently crosfill between two Garmins (530s or 530/430 or 430s), but I have no experience of crossfilling to a Garmin from the FPS. I have no idea whether that works in other planes, as I've never tried it Plane looks fabulous, and I look froward to the release!
  12. I saw most of the stream. The plane looks a bit less complicated than Laminar's default Citation, and certainly easier than the 650! As a Mac user, I will have the 530 on the panel. Will we be able to set the NAV on the autopilot to follow a flight plan in that, or will this only work from the FMS? Also, do they crossfill either way, or not at all?
  13. Title says it all. I've tried this more than once. Even tuned in a VOR, and tracked to it in VLOC, and that NAV flag stays there. "HDG" one goes, and the GS ones are there, as I'm not on an ILS. Haven't tried that yet. Latest 2.1.0 version on an Intel iMac.
  14. Yes, the 172's Garmins won't pop out in the G5 version. However they do in the Sundowner and Islander G5 versions. That is strange............
  15. The new Islanders solved all of the newer and minor older problems. Thanks Cameron!
  16. Thanks Cameron. Nice to know I'm not completely stupid :-) I'm happy to wait till it gets sorted.
  17. This 2.2.0 OK with the Cessna 172 and the Sundowner, but try as I might, I cannot get the G5 Islanders to "say" that the G5 is installed. I get the red screens suggesting need to buy the G5! I've tried refreshing both the new X-Aviation plugin, as well as the Gizmo one (although the G5 is now absent from that, of course - and, only once, I got a little window advising me of that!). So the new G5 plugin works in 2 planes but not the Islanders! Log.txt
  18. @Pils Yep. A lotta money
  19. Very interesting, and a little surprising. I guess they are using laptops or Minis with attached large monitors. I've used an M2 Mac Studio in basic XP12, and was not that impressed. I'm patiently waiting for the M4 Studio or some large better specced iMac. The M3 is a bit of an "in-betweener".
  20. Thank you Coop. There must surely be a sizeable number of us who are still using Intel based Macs - especially the last of the 27" iMacs - which are pretty quick for day to day use. Yes, their use for video work, etc. is totally eclipsed by Apple silicon, but for many other uses, they are more than adequate. They do struggle a bit with X-Plane, much more so with XP12 than XP11. Interestingly, I don't read of incredible, almost amazing performance in X-Plane even with Apple silicon, although I am hoping that M4 chips will be a lot better. As there have been a lot of X-Plane devotees who have deserted for MSFS 2020, and now will for MSFS 2024, the Mac users of X-Plane may well become a more dominant force in the X-Plane customer base - as they have no alternative. I can use Windows in Boot Camp on my iMac, but that's no option for Apple silicon users. Although I've tried to use the Microsoft sim quite often, I still don't really enjoy it, for a host of reaasons.
  21. Hi Coop, X-Plane 12.1.2 r3, Mac OS Sequoia 15.1 Beta (yes, I know!), Intel i9, 16GB AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT. Terrible stuttering in the Islanders G5, and also in LES's Sundowner V2 (new plane), and your X-Av. 172G5. Probably an unhelpful log attached. I just shut XP down in the flight. The G5s flashed in the 172 (a bit like the Entegra problem I've had, which we examined a while back), but didn't in the Beech or the Islanders. Those displays are steady, but the stuttering was impossible. I installed the latest G5 (and G500!) versions - and I had redownloaded from X-Av, and reinstalled to make sure I had the latest versions. I'm now getting stuttering with any plane! I'm not too sure what has happened. This only started a couple of days ago. It's probably because I was trying out my new Sundowner. I had hardly flown the Islanders in XP12, as I still use XP11 a lot, and never flew the 172 G5. The flashing G5s, only in the 172, is odd, though. However, after completely powering down my iMac, and restarting, there is no stuttering with planes not using either the G5 or the G500. So, even restarting XP after stuttering with the plugins, something remains in RAM, and everything is not cleared. Cameron has mentioned that Macs have a problem.... Log.txt
  22. Well, I did both. The G1000 was pretty much OK. The G5 wasn't. So, I checked with my Torquesim g5 Islander, and that was stuttering in the same way. So, you can relax. It could be XP 12.1.2 r3, or Mac Sequoia, the G5 plugin, or maybe I have to knock some graphic sliders back a bit. Seems a bit silly to do that when other planes seem OK. I just asked Coop whether he has any ideas! Just found other planes starting to stutter. I thought it might be the beta release of XP, but I downgraded, and it is still happening. This is very annoying, as it only started since I installed the Sundowner. I'm wondering whether the G500 or G5 plugins are leaving something lurking, but it hasn't happened before, and the Islanders were in with those plugins for some time. --------------------------------------------- As I just told Coop, powering the iMac completely down, and then restarting, gave me completely stutter-free operations with planes not using either the G5 or G500. So, this stuttering is not the Sundowner, but the plugins - and they obviously never exit properly, and leave something lurking in the RAM.
  23. Also, I think it would it be a good idea to delete all G5 and G1000 references and plugins for the new separate G500 plane? I have removed every reference to g500 in the base version. ---------------------------- Actually, I did all of that. The g500 flies nicely, and (so far) with no stuttering! Also, my frame rate is considerably better than it was. The base steam gauge one seemed OK too. Better frame rate still (expected - without all the avionics!), and I haven't had a stutter so far. I've yet to check the G1000. The G5 - well, that seemed to be OK for a bit, but started the freeze/stutter, probably coincidentally, when I was inputting an airport on the 430 while flying. However, the stutter persisted even when I was not adjusting anything. I'm going to: 1) Check the G1000 2) Make a G5 only plane, and delete all references to everything else.
  24. Hi. My bad, in that I didn't remove the rsg_g500 plugin as well as the OpenGPWS one! I did wonder about it, but didn't....! That might have done it, but I'll do what you suggest now. I note that the G5 version was separated in th XP11 version. Seems a simple way forward. I'll get back to you shortly.
  25. If I remove the plugins, when I load the basic plane, X-Plane completely freezes, and I have to force quit it. Surprising. Sorry, Cameron. That was a non-starter! I did update the OpenGPWS plugin, and flew the G500 variant earlier with no intermittent stuttering/freezing. I enjoyed that flight. However, a later try in the G5 and steam gauge variants got the stuttering back. Very odd. Maybe I have to use different graphics settings for this particular plane. Also, the fps in this plane is below average. I do have the iMac with a 16GB GPU card, but XP12 is generally slower than XP11. I'm waiting for the M4 Mac Studio! Anyway, I can't complain too much, as the V2 update is free, so it's hardly a disaster On the ground, even my Thrustmaster TPR pedals were getting to be impossible to counter the usual left turn tendency. Maybe I just have to use Laminar's built-in rudder trim.
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