Hi, Thanks, I have for the moment deleted xassign, and I removed the pconf file from the 340A. the problem seems to be xsaitekpanels; I'm using version Xsaitekpanels_2_28, and the AP is fine for all other aircraft. However, with the SAAB, the autopilot seems to be engaged ON, and the MCP buttons or modes are active with yellow lights, but the autopilot will not hold heading nor any form of VS or IAS. If I delete xsaitekpanels from the plugin folder, then the 340A AP behaves perfectly. I have downloaded the xsaitekpanels.cfg for the SAAB 340A by Igorland, but this doesn't allow the AP to control the aircraft, but it does allow control of the radio's or heading bug (but not digits on my panels, though this doesn't worry me at all). Originally I had the (trigger / AP) button on my Saitek yoke mapped to XP's autopilot servo toggle, but this I have reset to nothing (no action). Still not luck; any thoughts? I could use the SAAB without my gear and flaps or any of the Saite radio/switch panels, but I'd prefer to find a solution with works for all aircraft. Thanks, Fabio