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Everything posted by Fab10

  1. Can the wings be extended easily, or is this an issue that will need to be left as is? I realise that the moving components will need to be corrected, as well as textures. Fabio
  2. Thanks all, it's appreciated. It's just that many if the JPG's and vidro's make those long thin wings look too short outboard of the engine nacelles. I have a huge soft spot for the Duchess, and I'm looking forward to owning it.
  3. Hi, Is there an update on this? I may well be wrong about the Duchess wingspan, as pictures and videos can be misleading, so a final comment would be useful for current owners and future buyers. Otherwise people may have to make an assumption. Thanks, Fabio
  4. Thanks Goran. You mentioned the wings in a previous SP comment if yours, and others have spoken of wingspan concerns. I await your comments. Beech Duchess: Length 29' Wingspan 38'
  5. Hi, I am considering purchasing the LES Beech Duchess, but I would like to determine whether the wingspan has been corrected? Some users report that the span is 20' instead of 38', and this can be seen in pictures. Can someone please let me know if the wing span of the LES Beech Duchess is correct in the latest version (1.3)? Thanks, Fabio
  6. Hi, Is there an update to this, with a happy ending? It looks like a brilliant mod to make it into either a commuter plane or (in its default config.) a business transporter. Thanks, Fabio
  7. So glad it's working, what an exceptional aircraft this is. I like working without an FMC again, tracking to/from VOR radials, using NDB 's properly by compensating for winds, and following approach charts by hand, watching altitudes, and so on. Great stuff, it's all about airmanship!
  8. Solved! In case anyone is interested, the issue is as follows: I assumed that since none of the Saitek switches on the multi-switch panel worked or affected any switches within the SAAB's VC, that they could all be off (i.e. the landing lights switch does not operate the landing switch within the SAAB, and so on for all other switches). Wrong. Using XSaitekPanels, the AVIONICS switch needs to be ON for the SAAB's AP to work, but everything else on the panel can be off as these buttons may be operated properly within the VC.
  9. Is anybody using xsaitekpanels and the SAAB on AP successfully together? Thanks, Fabio
  10. I would like to revert my plugin folder back to default; is there a way of finding out what the file/folder structure should be after a clean install? If I fly the SAAB with xsaitekpanels installed, the AP doesn't fly the aircraft but the panel indications are that it is active and engages - it isn't. If I then disable xsaitekpanels through plugin admin, nothing changes, and it is as above. But if I remove xsaitekpanels and then start XP and fly the 340A, the AP works perfectly. I just cannot see where the issue is; I'm assuming xsaitekpanels works OK with the SAAB because a SAAB specific cfg file has been created for it. Any thoughts? Thanks, Fabio
  11. Hi, Thanks, I have for the moment deleted xassign, and I removed the pconf file from the 340A. the problem seems to be xsaitekpanels; I'm using version Xsaitekpanels_2_28, and the AP is fine for all other aircraft. However, with the SAAB, the autopilot seems to be engaged ON, and the MCP buttons or modes are active with yellow lights, but the autopilot will not hold heading nor any form of VS or IAS. If I delete xsaitekpanels from the plugin folder, then the 340A AP behaves perfectly. I have downloaded the xsaitekpanels.cfg for the SAAB 340A by Igorland, but this doesn't allow the AP to control the aircraft, but it does allow control of the radio's or heading bug (but not digits on my panels, though this doesn't worry me at all). Originally I had the (trigger / AP) button on my Saitek yoke mapped to XP's autopilot servo toggle, but this I have reset to nothing (no action). Still not luck; any thoughts? I could use the SAAB without my gear and flaps or any of the Saite radio/switch panels, but I'd prefer to find a solution with works for all aircraft. Thanks, Fabio
  12. Thanks, I'm planning on trying these today, and I'll report back. I absolutely know that the AP works, so it is 100% my system (hardware or plugins; I'll methodically work my way through them). There is another (solved) post that is similar to what I am experiencing, and the solution was to clear the preferences. When I did this, other than temporarily losing my licenses (!), I found that that my key/button assignments were still present and valid; why is this? Funnily enough, I rarely use the Saitek panels, with the exception of gear and flaps, because I much prefer using and enjoying the wonderfully detailed and intricate VC's that virtual aircraft such as the SAAB are equipped with. Someone has spent much time on creating these masterpieces, so why not use them to the max? Thanks, Fabio
  13. Hi, Positive; the AP symbol is in green and it has a box around it, and the YD/AP switch on the pedestal is engaged as it stays in the ON (forward) position once it is held there for a second or two. AP modes appear on the EADI and the buttons illuminate with a yellow dot once pressed (the digits rheostat has been rotated). Wish it was that simple! Thanks though, and grateful for your response. Fabio
  14. Hi, This sounds similar to my AP issue, insofar as the AP seems to be engaged and set correctly, but it's not being followed. You can still change heading and pitch even though the AP is on. Which pref's were deleted? I ask because I am new to XPX (but I've been flight simming for many years). Thanks, Fabio
  15. Hi, Great aircraft, thank you. However, I cannot get the autopilot to engage and take commands. I can switch it on (and YD), and by default the VS and HDG modes are selected (yellow dots visible with digits turned up), and the AP symbol turns green within the PFD. However, the AP will not follow any heading, VS, climb mode, IAS mode, or ALT. I have deleted my preferences (which reset my licences, I'm new to XP so I don't know the in-and-outs of it yet), but then the AP is the same. My Saitek panels are inoperative with the SAAB, and I use the plugin XAssign if this helps you with information. Thanks, Fabio
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