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Bamboo Cougar

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Everything posted by Bamboo Cougar

  1. So Pete. Hope all's going well and you've managed to stop drooling on V10 manual while imagining what that little darling of a Beaver is going to look like flitting along in the scud up and down the BC coast. OMG, I can't wait. c'mon, y'all... send Pete some energy drinks bc
  2. Hi Tom: I'm very interested in digging into V10 scenery and have started a rapid learning cycle to get myself 'Blenderized'. The turorial seems a rather splendid idea... the time to bring this to us mere mortals combined with what seems a rather full plate... well. How about A V10 airport that we would all love and enjoy combined with a dedicated tutorial system that uses this airport as the sample. A complete video tutorial, with support docs, that goes through each piece of the puzzle and supposes that the average, motivated developer will be able to produce a decent effort on their own once the tutorial course is complete. Sell the airport with or without tutorial included. A little less for the one without tutorial. a few key inclusions for the one with tutorial so that the one without won't access the tutorial properly (anti-pirate idea). This way you sell to current scenery devs and wish-to-be's, satisfy the need to provide a good framework learning system to try to bring quality up on freeware development, still have an extreme quality payware airport to sell and satisfy your altruistic nature by balancing the cost of airport:airport+tutorial so that the airport is still the purchase focus. All developers would, I'm sure, be happy to kick a couple more bucks out the door to learn well, how to do this right. Anyhow... sign me up for whatever plan you have. I good learning systems. bc
  3. which of course translates as well into... "High-end users will positively levitate with joy over the fps count"
  4. Gents, this is just beautiful! I don't know what it is about DeHavilland aircraft, but my pulse picks up everytime someone brings one of their craft to life. And by the looks so far, and the dialogue, this one will be exquisitely alive. oh yeah... and in my Elite Craft Hangar. Thanks for your work and passion for such a lovely aircraft! bc edits: faster mind than fingers
  5. Hey Pete Well, the GoFlight equipment is all tied into the plugin. I'll grab a few screenies of the module menu selects and post them on Monday. There are *no* assignment allowances for custom datarefs in the plugin. I have a G13 from Logitech that I have programmed (sort of a dedicated keyboard with a host of awesome features) that I use to control various custom datarefs as well as a host of standard sim features. For example, one of the 3 main modes I use for everything related to GPS/FMS (like using the thumbstick to scroll up/down letters-numbers and sideways for position when picking a fix (apt/vor/ndb/wpt) for the GPS) I have also converted a numeric keypad, but it also works like a keyboard and is assigned using the standard Keys features, using standard or custom datarefs selected in Settings. So, in summary, I can get at your custom datarefs only with keys and buttons, not with GoFlight. I do have an example though, where I have had to circumvent a GoFlight standard and move to keypad. The STMA Beaver uses a 'hold on' poll for its flaps, and the flap assignment on my GoFlight LGT module does not play with this, as it seems to release internally even if you hold it down. Thus, I have had to assign flaps up/down for the Beaver to two buttons on my keypad. I call it AUX FLPS UP and AUX FLPS DN on my key overlay labels Anyhow, not a big, big deal for me, but at the price of GoFlight hardware, and the fact that I absolutely love these modules for their immersive nature and complete reliability, it's a bit of a bummer when I have to go from a $250 module solution to a $12.95 keypad solution (yeah... sort of ironic heh?) Long story shortened... not a deal breaker by any stretch! bc
  6. Hiya Pete Great dev so far, as I've stated before. The datarefs issue has been on my mind as well, especially as I've been thinking about a checklist running on snailpup's Checklister plugin. But... I would be very appreciative if the GoFlight hardware (all using Sandy Barbour's plugin) still worked seamlessly, as it does for all my other acft. I have several switch panels, the simple A/P combined with a P8, the radio module and the landing grea/trim (original) all built into my cockpit. btw... love the prop. bc
  7. Hi to all scenery developers. I have a quick question, and am hoping for some form of consensus around a 'best practice' when developing scenery. The Scenario: I have been developing scenery for Norteastern Ontario (2 degrees of Lat and 1 degree of Lon). I have been generous with several scenery components, most notably some of the .for from Open Scenery, as well as G8 stuff. The Problem: One day, as I was flying yet again around one of the newly developed airports and custom scenery, I decided to go to the bottom of my scenery area, just for a fun flight in my Shade Tree Beaver. As the scenery did a reload in the next Lat south, I ended up with alternating regular scenery and white squares. Analysis: I was steered towards part of the problem by Jaques Breault. He said he had a similar problem in V8 with Open Scenery .for's and suggested that the scenery load is timing out before complete. Discovery: I checked my hard drive power settings and realized I was set for 15 minutes until spin down. I changed the setting to "Always On". Test: I flew the same flight, and others to adjacent lat's and lon's and never had the problem appear again. My Question: Do you feel that a best practice is to design for the user that has rapid hard drive access (eg. it's spinning when needed or spins up very quickly), or should I design for the user who will have 30 seconds to spin up the drive and load the scenery? (I think 30 seconds is the max until timeout, but I stand to be corrected). Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks everyone... have a great flight weekend!
  8. Certainly LA... however, I call your attention to... I'm not sayin' ... I'm just sayin' ;D bc
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