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  1. If we're going to share minor texturing/modelling bugs... roll index goes the wrong way instrument glazing is out of position (pilot and copilot main panels) Actually I've looked again and all the instrument glazing is slightly out of position like this. this digit on the altitude selector is 2px out of place to the left these buttons are black at night when the floodlights are on (but this might be my weak PC. XP10 64 Windows, HDR off, pixel lighting off, nearly everything turned off in fact.) small RPM needle moves 10x too fast. One revolution of the small needle should be a 10% RPM difference. Radios can be tuned to odd frequencies. COM frequency should change in 2.5MHz increments, NAV frequency in 5MHz increments. Minor texture strangeness in these places: I thought the tape on this notice was quite cool.
  2. I select the fuselage mesh, open the UV editor, click on Image then Open Image, select the fuselage png, and Blender silently crashes. I'll try an older version of Blender.
  3. Hi there, I'm trying to use the paintkit but it's not loading the fuselage .png. The other two load, but the fuselage is pink, and when I try and open the fuselage .png in UV Editor Blender crashes. Running from console, this is the message: Win7 64bit, Blender 2.69, Mu-2 1.51. Any advice? I see the wrong path to Tom's dropbox prep folders but it crashes when I open the file!
  4. I laughed when I saw this. You've really put a lot of yourself into the MU-2, Tom!
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