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    real life Hawker 800 Captain, rated in Falcon 2000 and Beechjets - Lead Designer of the Looking Glass Studios 1999 release called "Flight Unlimited III"

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  1. There is no roar that never existed for some reason they don’t add a reverse thrust sound & XPRealistic isn’t compatible with any hot start stuff so we have no TR sound
  2. yes using it only in XP12 no reverse noise and even XP realistic reverse noise when selected to be active, doesn't work either ... same as in the 737-300 for XP
  3. there is clearly no roar no reverse sound at all when selecting reverse in any rpm.... I fly a challenger and you'll hear reverese from inside as a load roar, so clearly you have a problem with it .... also same as your 737 no reverser sound is audible
  4. can not hear any
  5. After last few versions there’s no reverse thrust rumble at all ... nothing ... I was hopeful somebody would have fixed that !
  6. That works ! My reinstall didn’t give a choice of gizmo plugin option now plus the left side IXEG menu is back ! Just wanted to try the experimental version without stutters ... hopefully soon
  7. my 1.3 version is real, I have it licensed and yet either on Vulcan or standard 11.5 x-plane, all my electronic PFD EFIS and FMS units are dead.... black! any idea? Nobody else has this as a topic so I am not sure what is wrong.. .VERSION 1.2 worked fine, I uninstalled then reinstalled several times to no avail...
  8. I don't know how you bypassed the 20 year old sound engine to create these great sound but you did ! I'm blown away by the immediate spool up sound upon applying taxi thrust which I've heard often in real life as well as the high rpm fan sound on takeoff run ! Bravo ! Sounds are worth the cost of the add on alone !!
  9. I agree in just the short time I've used this stunning piece of work
  10. No the sound you have just follows the default original x- plane reverse effect which is faint little "puffs" and not a steady roar which follows real rpm setting as in real life ( the reverser plugin fixes that ) I'm surprised I'm the only one who would notice this
  11. a privately painted 733 would be great, with clean wheels, shiny engine parts etc... and a spit shiny body...not dirty as most liveries are... any private airliners I have seen (and I have seen many in real life) are so clean and polished you can see your face in the metal surfaces... wheels are "tire shined" and there's no grime anywhere.... would love someone to do this...
  12. great product - awesome! however, it does definitely needs the freeware reverse thrust .lua sound fix found on x-plane.org because on it's own here, the default 737 only uses the silly "puffing" reverser sound that comes with x-plane naturally...... only fault I can find with such a great machine!
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