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  1. Baw079

    TBM Perf

    Hi, for those of you looking for an exceptionally good (free) app for flight planning, weight & balance, checklists, etc. take a look at the TBM Perf app. Covers everything you might want for planning and flying. I run it on my iPhone and iPad but believe it also runs of android and PC. Cheers WG
  2. Baw079

    vatsim & TBM 900

    Hi, got everything working now. Didn't realise I had to switch the radios on in the aircraft, my stupidity. Cheers WG
  3. Baw079

    vatsim & TBM 900

    Hi, that won't help because although I can see the text box, I am unable to type anything into it. I can't use ATC either via text or speech. Thanks Willie G
  4. Hi all, not sure where to post this so thought I would start here. I have been using x-pilot on my Mac for a while without any trouble. I recently purchased and installed Hot Starts TBM 900, which is an excellent aircraft. Although I can join vatsim using x-pilot when I try to use the TBM 900 I cannot get the voice or text communication to work. Which in effect, means I cannot speak to or hear ATC. All other aircraft still operate properly. Any ideas? Thanks Willie G
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