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About flightime56

  • Birthday 11/08/1956

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    Gold Coast, Australia, YBCG, YBBN

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  1. I don't know if you have seen these You-Tube's on the B737-200. I admit it is not the -300 but it is really interesting information, great video's as well, the landing was a work and a half... The take-off is really short... But the landing is excellent, check out the ancient FMC! Flightime56
  2. Yeah another vote for a Huey... okay please.
  3. I thought this was the official support thread for Javiers work?... Sorry.
  4. I have downloaded and used the CRJ 1.5.3 version in 64Bit and it works fine except for the thrust reversers, I have an external button on my Thrustmaster (joystick) that I press to activate the reversers, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't, hitting the button a few times may get an activation, but consistent it is not. Mac 10.8.2 - XP 10.20b5.
  5. I can't see the difference between the Default and the Hi Res versions? First my Custom Scenery folder settings... Now the default original scenery. And the Hi Res version? This is EI hierro (GCHI) am i in the wrong place?
  6. Thanks Javier, I'll ask around to see if any one will take up your offer, I use the one on the XPFW version a lot, so that is why i inquired, B744's use a lot of fuel?
  7. Hi Javier Well I now have a lot of long hauls to look forward too..thanks for the great work, coupla questions. 1) can you switch the center EICAS display to fuel monitoring and if so where? 2) can you open the doors and how? 3) can you use the UFMC by the other Javier (Cortes) A paint kit would be a great help if possible on getting the liveries ready for XP10. The best manual you recommend to fly this version, most B744's are pretty basic (XPFW) so now we have to step up a level/s thanks and a big admirer of your work and the really fun videos
  8. Bit torrent hell no, loath it, but a file library would not be out of place, certainly for plugins and Dev tools, I always found X-Pilot more of a Dev forum than the everything in a bucket .Org, it is all very messy on the .org as I find the file library in finding anything anywhere is hard work, the search is useless and if you want certain scenery you have troll pages to find (or not find it), It is quicker to use Google, the structure is dismal in that respect, so somewhere we do need a good and better DM for files with a better structure. On the new X-Pilot I find the new layout refreshing and clean, nice logo, and it will be interesting to see what direction you want to take it....well done.
  9. I think Virgin Australia is a really average livery, bland....they should have kept the red on the tail or a dark purple...boring mr brand.
  10. I believe XP 10 will live up to the hype, will advance Xplane to the next level, If you are into Simulators you will know about X-plane, The market is small but very well informed, The point is MSFS people will not not change until the product is better, then they will change ships, but remember they have invested a lot of money in their platform, So XP will have to be above average to get them to come over. Except for the brilliant Ben Supnik and Chris, I do feel that Austin needs a better public relations effort, Information is inconsistent and even sometimes plain rude, yes X-Plane is "his baby', but we have to help in the parenting....
  11. There is an issue with the x737 plug-in, you can follow the thread or try the updated plug-in to see if it fixes the problem, the dedicated x737 support is on the XP.org at http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=50316, read it all to understand the issue. I get that sudden turn to the heading bearing away from the ILS, then you were too high to collect the ILS when you re-corrected the turn. try it with a clean restart without the FMS route activated (just turning the N1, N2, FMS dial won't work), and use the heading and ALT to position for the ILS, and no higher than 2500ft, then see if it then collects the ILS correctly. I think there is an issue between the FMS and the x737 plug-in, it is my theory only at this point........
  12. I caught up with that episode a couple of weeks ago (I only started in Feb),and It was excellent, then no more since then?...Personally i feel it needs to go back on line here as there is so much happening now in Xplane (Xplane 10?), as we need a vocal outlet on matters and questions ongoing, give it a lot of thought guys, but Xplane would certainly benefit.
  13. Thanks samen, will do...thanks for all the work on this too.
  14. Wonderful, where will you post the liveries, here or the .org..... If Qantas and Jetstar is not in there can I do it?
  15. I first started Xflying in January and download pretty well everything, now the heavy Metal box is a lot lighter, and I only regularly fly 5-6 types, if a new one goes into the hanger, I fly it till I know it and get used to the type, It is more the routes now than the machine and trying out the different types on the same route, again if a new type enters it goes on the routes i know best, I pretty well quickly got tired of the cheaper crap, I soon needed the depth of the experience, the reality, the manuals, the 3d, and at present it i am enjoying immensely the B752 which has just come on board and my personal fav the BA B747-400.
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