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Everything posted by Agrajag

  1. @swissCyul, I'm not sure, but I think we both "solved" it the same way. However, I find that approach to be a "hack". There is no mixture control in the Dash 8 that I see so why do we have to resort to this odd setup to make it work? in FS I owned two very complex Dash 8's and neither of them had this issue. Seems a design choice by the dev that I just don't feel is intuitive. For clarity, do you have the blue middle levers set to prop 1 and 2 and the red right levers set to mixture 1 and 2? That's what I did. For me, I have to get the prop levers (on screen versions) in just the right spot to make it work. The bottom of the levers need to just cover touch the top of the word "Feather" or it's a no-go. Oddly, I had no such issue before the throttle quadrant got added. @nicola, for throttles, both are in the DISC setting and lock in there. Oh, while I have you two, do you know if there's a way to assign the Flight/Taxi button to physical a toggle on the quadrant? I'd love to flip it up for Flight and down for Taxi.
  2. My big issue with it is lack of support from the developer. Some questions get answered while others just get ignored. Also if you have a throttle quadrant good luck doing a cold start. You have resort to an odd setup to get it just right or the engines will refuse to spin up. You can just land on start feather zone. Both levers have to be on a very specific nonstandard spot. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  3. I've always wondered what the X-Plane Linux experience would be like for anyone coming directly from Windows. I've tried Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint and others, and always ended up back with the Evil Empire. Why? Too many trade offs. You go into it thinking things will just work. Then you find all sorts of small but annoying gotchas. Drivers that aren't optimized, hardware with no drivers, software that only partially does what the Windows version does. I've always felt that Windows is hugely bloated. That suggests that X-Plane should run better and with higher performance than on Windows. Is that the case? Are all the sceneries and planes OS agnostic or do Linux users have to work with a subset of options from an already small main library of options? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  4. The last line was entirely unnecessary and it completely undermined everything you said above it which was well put. All it did was fit my already-damaged impression of the X-Plane community. So don't sweat it. I won't be talking about this, or likely anything else, here for quite some time if ever.
  5. Thanks. I did get it working and it was both amazing and disappointing. On the plus side it was just flat-out wonderful to fly over terrain I actually knew and could easily identify. On the down side it was so big in overhead that my game took minutes to load. Plus, with the stupid design of forcing you to basically load where you last left off I often had to wait to end up in a place with the wrong tiles only to jump to the right place and wait yet again. Lastly it was only going to get much worse and the tiles I did have loaded were a tiny fraction of what I wanted (JFK to Philly in almost a perfect straight line). That made for extremely repetitive flights so the fun ran out. The impact was such that now I gave up X-Plane entirely as this was the final straw for me. I saw what it could be but it just wasn't ready for what I wanted it to be. Add to that the type of design issue I mentioned (and I have several gripes there) and it just wasn't a good time for me. That means for now I'm either waiting for version 10 or for the MS Flight product.
  6. Guys, I have the latest version of this and realize it's not really supported any longer however I would like to see it working. I've gone ahead and just dropped it into the correct folder under plugins and it does run both from the command line and shows as working within the game. However, it never generates any textures. It suggests that it will and then a few seconds goes by and it acts like it's done but nothing changes. The textures also aren't anything but the defaults. I have my hi/lo settings at 0/0 but I've tried others to no avail. Command line tells me that it can't create any as they're already created. Any ideas? Here's the command line text: G2XPL ver. beta 5.0 by Saggy Balls g2xpl@nerdshack.com Reading g2xpl.ini file for parameters WARNING: whole 1x1 deg area will be covered with high resolution textures. Downloading maps and creating textures might take very long time ini file g2xpl.ini read succesfuly DLL dxtcompress.dll successfuly loaded DLL dxtzoom.dll successfuly loaded Creating/updating scenery z_g2xpl ... This is X-Plane RETAIL DVD Ter files has been already converted... Quitting...
  7. Agrajag

    Project 3

    I just came over after being with FS since 1.0. Really enjoying X-Plane (frankly much to my surprise and it'll be really something if I can ever get g2xpl going) and after looking for new planes I see the Saab 340 being done here. This is a killer for me because there was a famous Saab 340 project on FSX/FS9 that I waited on for 2 years and never got it. Delay after delay after delay and then finally boredom with FSX. Here's hoping things go great for you guys and since I'm getting in at this late juncture the wait won't be nearly as painful. It all looks truly magnificent.
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