@swissCyul, I'm not sure, but I think we both "solved" it the same way. However, I find that approach to be a "hack". There is no mixture control in the Dash 8 that I see so why do we have to resort to this odd setup to make it work? in FS I owned two very complex Dash 8's and neither of them had this issue. Seems a design choice by the dev that I just don't feel is intuitive. For clarity, do you have the blue middle levers set to prop 1 and 2 and the red right levers set to mixture 1 and 2? That's what I did. For me, I have to get the prop levers (on screen versions) in just the right spot to make it work. The bottom of the levers need to just cover touch the top of the word "Feather" or it's a no-go. Oddly, I had no such issue before the throttle quadrant got added. @nicola, for throttles, both are in the DISC setting and lock in there. Oh, while I have you two, do you know if there's a way to assign the Flight/Taxi button to physical a toggle on the quadrant? I'd love to flip it up for Flight and down for Taxi.