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  1. Hmmmmm.... too bad I didn't see this earlier. :-/
  2. Taking a look at the usual: This time, Framerates, Impact of heavy weather (Skymaxx) and again a LUA script that allowed me to sharpen aircraft shadows and play with other settings: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/47301-flyagi-tweak-utility/ 
  3. Pretty much. I came here looking for answers on what steps Skymaxx would be taking to support VR. Instead I see general dismissiveness. This is surprising, even disappointing, but if this is truly the prevailing attitude, then as you say, the next steps are obvious. Skymaxx is now uninstalled pending other developements.
  4. Jv starts a thread regarding Orbx support for Xplane. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/128535-project-x-not-happening/#comment-1144330
  5. Its a quandary. Monitors with outrageous resolutions seem to be all the rage, but I've found 1080p more than enough for years, and am not too keen on squinting at ultra small lettering. I have a sneaky suspicion that at just about the time these fancy monitors come into their own, everyone will be in the process of switching to VR..........
  6. Different settings. You can easily get up to 60/70 fps depending on the combinations of settings you use. Its all on what looks good enough to you. That being said, while the 1080 doesn't necessarily make a huge, gigantic, enormous fps jump, it does add 10 or 15 fps extra, and allows you to turn a lot of previously untenable settings on while doing so. In this second video I change a few settings, and the fps jumps. Change a few more and I am at 50fps. Turn off HDR and I am at 70fps, etc........ Very happy with the card, so far.
  7. Sorry, I've been playing with my new toy recently and wandered off for a while. I will load up some heavy weather and try to honor your request. In the meanwhile here is a quick video of me pushing my system to the edge..... And no, no hd mesh, it stretches X-plane bootup time too much for me.
  8. Well Skymaxx is working again, so off to mess around!
  9. These are not beauty pics, they're strictly functional for showing frame-rates over a large city, (New York) which stayed locked at 30 with Vsync on and between 30 and 45 with it off. Frames tended to dip while taking screenshots. Cutting to the chase, it seems this tech combo does really well with X-plane! Its hard to Imagine wanting much more......... 0 Hi! Devon
  10. thanks for the help! I tried disabling from the admin panel but it seems you have to do it every time which is slightly annoying. I'm probably going to end up yanking the folders. Boy! After years of SkyMaxx, default clouds seem very odd. :-/
  11. Hey I just assembled a completely new computer with a Intel 6700 at 4.8Ghz and a Nvidia Strix 1080 GTX. So far so good with X-plane running between 50 to 60 Fps with everything turned up, but now Skymaxx is saying I've exceed activation's. I sent a support message a few days ago (Thursday) but in the meantime, while I wait an answer, is there any way to just use X-planes regular clouds without having to completely delete Skymaxx?
  12. And how any trees gave their all to supply that much cardboard? (only a few more days until I can buy)
  13. People with extra-long attention spans at work......
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  14. One caveat to my post; don't try this with game icons created by steam. They don't work, and if you do it you will have to visit your registry to get rid of them.
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