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Everything posted by Souf

  1. Yeah that's it : when turning up visibility cloud shadows appear. Thanks
  2. Hi, I've just upgraded to version 4.5 and even if I checked "cloud shadow" box inside configuration I lost them. I tried shadow value up to 1 (0.5 was the original value) but no cloud shadow. I tried to change hour of day (thanks to L and K keys) and no moving cloud shadow compared as before. Any clue ? Thanks Souf
  3. Hi, actually I also was flying ni France near Bordeaux (by LFDI) and, like scorpio2001de, switching on and off cloud shadow onto SMP made it appear and deseapper. I don't know if, at this time, base cloud layer was around LFDI elevation...
  4. Hi, With SMP4 on XP11 I have strange edges on cloud shadow on ground. They are very sharp as shown on screenshot. I have these sharp edge on ground cloud shadow no matter what cloud shadow I set (0.05 to maximum shows this sharp edges). Anybody have the same issue ?
  5. Very nice!!!
  6. Thanks Andras!!!
  7. The area around Praha is also so pretty with new realistic buildings and nice homogeneous orange or red house roofs (depending on the cities areas). This scenery really worth be tested especially with photorealistic tiles of Czech country.
  8. Hi Tony, just flew over Czech country with your latest Czech Autogen and it's properly awesome!!!! specially over Brno ) Very very nice!!!! Keep up this good good work for our community!!!
  9. Pretty nice. What are you using for haze ? Fog looks very nice!!!
  10. Nice!!!
  11. Hi, Nice shots!! What scenery and cloud set are you using to have theses results ? Thanks
  12. Very very nice Tony!!!! You're the one!!!!
  13. Nice Tony!!!
  14. looking forward for the result
  15. This maybe could be interesting to be tried on the kind of blue colored building type only made of glass. Just to see the behavior
  16. Just a little question on building walls. Could we imagine having side walls of some buildings made with something like water texture to make it reflect sun light in cities. We could have some building shining in cities that could bring another realism level. Is it possible ?
  17. Thanks for all these efforts Tony!!!
  18. Tony and Blacky you rock!!!! Thanks!!!
  19. Yes effectively I try to have XPlane autogen where OSM isn't present
  20. Effectively I also had the same issue. Flying from Geneva toward south of Germany and empty tile when arriving above Germany. This empty tile was due to long loading time. My XPlane runs onto a 7200rpm HDD (200Mbit/s of throughput) with 3Gigs of VRAM and 24Gigs of RAM.
  21. Also if you're not running on an SSD try to do some disk defragmentation, it can help...
  22. We will try and let you know. Thanks Tony!!!
  23. Hi, You also have to download worldwide Master library that enclose all needed objects. Let us know if it does well...
  24. Awesome!!! "ça promet" as we say in french!!
  25. Thanks Tony and Blacky75 for all these contributions !!!
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