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Everything posted by Vinny003

  1. Hi, guys! I know about the khamsin b-25 Mitchell! I would like to get it but I can't because when I click on add to cart, I click on checkout, asking me for the email and password for x-plane.org store, I sign in as I normally do, I click on continue checkout and then I came to the billing address page, I type in my name, address, phone number as I normally do and the billing address page is also asking me to type in my password, confirm password, type in my email address, Confirm email address but I already logged in! I hate x-plane org and I'm pissed off with x-plane.org!! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  2. Hi, guys! Question for you about the B-17G, what is the best altitude and the best engine settings to give the B-17G the longest range maybe 4,000 nautical miles? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  3. Hi, eMko! Thanks for the link! It is very interesting! Cheers, Vincent
  4. Hi, goran_m! + 1 for the constellation which is the 4 radial engined airplane too! Let 's make the constellation then! Cheers, Vincent
  5. Hi, Hueyman! I really like the dc-3 but I would like the dc-4 too. Cheers, Vincent
  6. Hi, guys! Is anyone there? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  7. Hi, guys! The other day, I got the dc-3 up to the altitude of 30,100 feet MSL which is the altitude recond for the dc-3. I really enjoy flying old airplanes! Cheers, Vincent
  8. Hi, guys! I really like old airplanes! I would like the Douglas dc-4 which is the 4 engined and tricycle-gear airplane addon made by LES in my collection of vintage airplanes as well as the Douglas dc-3 which is made by LES! I saw the Douglas dc-4 airplane addon which is a freeware at x-plane.org but I didn't get it because it doesn't have a custom cockpit like the LES dc-3 have. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  9. Hi, Goran! Thanks for the link! Cheers, Vincent
  10. Hi, Goran! Really? That fast? What is the ideal throttle setting for takeoff? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  11. Hi, guys! I used the search function but I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for so I created a new thread about the dc-3 fuel economy. I got a question regarding fuel economy, what is the best fuel economy for the dc-3? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  12. Hi, guys! I used the search function but I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for but I got question for you, how long does it take for the engines to be damaged if running at full throttle, even at high altitudes the engines will be damaged when running at full throttle? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  13. Hi, eMko! The fuel selectors is set to left main & right main, and the main fuel tank level goes to about half way empty then both engines stop running. Cheers, Vincent
  14. Hi, guys! I noticed something strange, when the main needle on the fuel gauge got to at about 200 gal., the engines stops running and the fuel selector is set to main tanks. Please see attached. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  15. Hi, Cameron! Okay! Got it! Thanks! I always use the search feature before I resurrect old threads. Cheers, Vincent
  16. Hi, Goran! I'm a big fan of old airplanes. I would like to have the option to make the amps gauge operable and inoperable by using the Gizmo in the future update. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  17. Hi, deniasol! At the elevation of 13,300 feet MSL, the engines won't have as much power as it would at a lower altitude. I normally takeoff at 40 to 42 in MP. Hope this helps! Cheers, Vincent
  18. Hi, guys! I got the ADF problem too. The co-pilot's ADF is not working, but the captain's ADF is working great! What now? I'm using the dc-3 v1.4 update. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  19. Hi, guys! I got a question for you, what does that gauge shows and what is that control used for just below the gauge what I asked you about? I would like them to be functional in the next update. Please see attached. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  20. Hi, Goran! Got to! That makes sense! Thanks! It also means it also takes longer for the Saab turboprop to stop rotating than the propeller on the standard engine of the dc-3. Cheers, Vincent
  21. Hi, Goran! That is excellent news! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  22. Hi, guys! I found out it takes several seconds to start the engine and it takes a little time for the propeller to stop rotating after once the engine is shutdown, but in the LES dc-3, the engine startup almost instantly and once I shutdown the engine, the propeller stop rotating almost instantly. I think that should be fixed. I'm using the dc-3 v1.4. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  23. Hi, guys! I know it has been almost 2 years now, but I got a question for you, is the fuel selector issue like what carthorse was talking about is fixed now? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  24. Hi, eMko! Got it! That makes sense! Cheers, Vincent
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