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Everything posted by yukonpete

  1. I sent you a PM. Thanks
  2. Can someone please send me the file?????
  3. I don't have it in my modified folder
  4. Is the a program or tool we can use to calculate the take off trim and speeds for our weight and balance? Thanks Pete
  5. When I power up my CRJ the center displays come on but I cant get any power at all to the FMC or main displays! Pete
  6. How about 2 from Australia as we have none :-\ http://www.airliners.net/photo/Untitled-(Air-National/Canadair-CL-600-2B19-Regional/1724666/L/ and http://www.airliners.net/photo/Kendell-Airlines/Canadair-CL-600-2B19-Regional/0456894/L/
  7. This weekend! Go read the first post again!
  8. I just purchased the CRJ but the Download link was missing after my payment. When I log into my X-aviation there order is in my account but no download links!
  9. What program do you guys use for planning a flight. I'm new to X-Plane. Was a MS flight simulator pilot for years and decided to give X-plane a go since Aces closed. Thanks Pete
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