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  1. If you have Flywithlua installed you can fix the bank roll limit by creating a lua script with the following content: if (AIRCRAFT_FILENAME == "LES_Saab_340A.acf" or AIRCRAFT_FILENAME == "LES_Saab_340A_Cargo.acf" or AIRCRAFT_FILENAME == "LES_Saab_340A_AEW.acf") then function les_bank_fixer() dataref("SBankLimit","sim/cockpit2/autopilot/bank_angles_values","writable") SBankLimit = 27.0 end do_often("les_bank_fixer()") end
  2. Hm. I've got the same issue. 2D Avitab works just fine while 3D shows black screen. I've tried restarting the plugin but it still doesn't work
  3. Just bought this plane and I have to say this is the best GA plane for X-Plane. Thank you! Also, are the librain effects planned? It looks like they are working with Vulkan (at least on TBM850).
  4. How's work going? Any ETA? Good luck anyways
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