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  1. That's all it took! Thanks very much!
  2. Cameron/Coop, Am I logged in? Check! Will I remember to hit "Submit Reply" when I'm finished? Check! I am unable to turn on either GPS, the AP or the transponder in the BN-2 updated version. What's the secret, or was the update flawed? Paul
  3. @mmerelles Putting the slider all the way to the right (plus eliminating confusing legs) did the trick - I'm successfully on my way to KMIA, coming up on FL 180 and CHAKA. Thanks very much for getting me straightened out, I do appreciate it. Paul
  4. Thanks very much. You are correct, I fly off-line. So it seems that in the future I should just eliminate the vectors line. Are you one of the developers? And if not, do they monitor this thread?
  5. @mmerelles Just learned something about addresses here. . . The only potential discontinuity I had was one leg that said (vectors) - your point is good, perhaps if I had taken that out as well I might have been able to do VNAV. Having programmed that darned FMC too many times today (I can almost do it by memory for that route) I think I'll give it a rest and wait to see what tomorrow brings. And thanks very much for explaining the 423A and the INTC. It is amazing how much you learn here.
  6. mmerelles, thanks for sticking with me on this. I did as you suggested and indeed, the aircraft flies the magenta line! However. . .I was unable to activate the V NAV light and the a/c seems compelled to pitch up at about 5000 fpm as the speed drags down towards stalling. I attempt to get v/x active and reduce pitch but I am not allowed to. Repeated attempts to get VNAV going are fruitless. Eventually I start to stall and the a/c reduces pitch in order to allow the speed to pick up, giving me a negative pitch until I reach 250 kts. then it oscillates back upwards and cycle begins again. Right now it is showing IAS "A 142" and once it pciks up speed the A disappears and I can increase the speed dial to 250 again. So, two questions. A. In a perfect universe, should it be necessary to eliminate the 450 and the INTC from legs. If so, no problem, and I'll learn to do it. B. Any idea what's going on with my VNAV. Actually a third question - any merit to my idea of reinstalling the initial zip file back-up I made, then downloading the 1.0.7 hotifix and eliminating my current installation?
  7. mmerelles, I did as you suggested, removed the INTC and made PALCO the first entry. However I had precisely the same results. What is I uninstall the a/c - I saved the original zip file that I downloaded the day that I bought the plane, I could reinstall then download the 1.0.7 hot fix - just in case something has become corrupted in my installation? Is that do-able?
  8. Thanks much, I'll try that.
  9. For mmerelles: I reproduced the problem again today, here is a description in greater detail with screenshots: I updated to 1.0.7 - twice to make sure I had things right after experiencing this problem after the first update. Flight is TIST to KMIA. I've totally programmed the FMC and gone through my check list and all is good. I punch N1 and TOGA throttles up, rotate at VR and commence a slow turn to starboard at V2. At about 1050 AGL I engage A/P A, L NAV and V NAV. Immediately the aircraft turns AWAY from the desired course, continuing to climb. This happened twice yesterday with a total computer shutdown/reboot in between, and happened again this morning in precisely the same fashion, after a total overnight shutdown. The airplane has no failures enabled and I load it up with engines running,using Ground Service for loading fuel and adjusting ZFW. Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated. Best regards, Paul
  10. I just installed the latest hotfix, published yesterday evening, bringing me up to 1.0.7. Attempting to fly out of TIST to KMIA just now and the LNAV is just not working. Thinking I had a bad installation of the latest hotfix, I did it again, and same thing happened. The aircraft perversely attempts to fly in a direction opposite to what shows in LEGS and on the panel instrument. For me at least, this is a significant problem. I go through my normal routine, engaging Autopilot after a successful take-off, then punching LNAV which engages, and immediately the behavior starts. Awaiting 1.0.8.
  11. Yes, unfortunately I couldn't get the attachments to load. I was in a slow steady descent and still on autopilot, using VS and was probably set at about 1500 FPM. Now, I did just successfully complete the same flight only this time I started from cold and dark. Only problem was that I started getting only about 1 FPS when I was on final so it took forever to land. This was likely due to the fact that I had the TNCM add on scenery which is pretty memory hungry - this is the St. Maarten airport that has its threshold right on the beach almost. I'm pretty sure I was still set for default in my rendering. I'll plan my next flight in some boring area without add-on scenery and see how I do. Having fun!
  12. I'm about 10nm out from TNCM, descending, gear down, throttled back, in the CRJ 200 when all of a sudden I totally lose engine power and power to some of my instruments. I was just about at the next waypoint and in my continuing glide the AP actually executed the turn. I had x-plane set for no random outages. and when I checked each tab in the systems failures area everything was in the green. I'm attaching two screen shots. (Hopefully the "attach" process works - the advanced loader would freeze on me so I used the basic loader). Earlier in the week I had experienced a pitch oscillation problem. Cameron sent me a revised acf file, I did a reinstall of the CRJ 200, swapped acf files, plugged back in my new navdata and all seemed well. I started the flight with engines running, programmed the FMS, took off, punched the APENG and she flew like a charm until the moment mentioned in the first paragraph. I had plenty of fuel on board and rendering was set to default. Any help would be most appreciated! Paul
  13. I've certainly learned a lot more than I thought I would today. I have to remember to be more precise in my wording as well as my thought processing. What Philipp actually said was "Yes, that sounds like a Gizmo message to me. So ask on X-Pilot forum for that please. I don't know enough about Gizmo to answer." I jumped to a faulty conclusion and temporarily took Gizmo out of the loop. The plane booted up (cold and dark) without a problem, and I jumped to a second faulty conclusion - that the plane should now operate correctly. Having a bunch of errands to run, I left it there. Upon my return I had messages that clarified the situation for me. Most importantly Cameron advised me that there was a wrong parameter in the modified .acf file that I inserted in place of the stock one, he made it most clear that without Gizmo the plane will not work, and most importantly, he provided me with a corrected version of the modified .acf file. So - I have placed the Gizmo file back where it belongs and I've plugged in the corrected .acf file and the aircraft boots up properly and so far all screens seem fine. I'll do a test flight this evening and know for sure. Thanks much Cameron, and thanks to Ben R. as well for some background info. Paul iMac 27 with Fusion Drive 16RAM and 2VRAM Xavion on iPad3
  14. I purchased the CRJ 200 at on or about September 6, so am pretty sure it's the latest - that there have been no mods since I purchased it. Had the pitch oscillation problem severely enroute TJSJ - TNCM - about 30 minutes into the flight, at level flight at 15,000 ft. I read that the install package included a new .acf file and that would eliminate the problem. I backed up the old .acf file and inserted the new one from user modifications. The next time I booted up the CRJ 200 I got a message titled "Activation" and text saying "Unknown Product This product cannot be activated" Philipp suggested it might be the Gizmo plug in and sure enough, when I removed it from my X-Plane 10 folder the plane booted up fine. I have no Gizmo conflicts with any of my other aircraft. Any thoughts or suggestions? Paul iMac 27 with Fusion Drive 16RAM and 2VRAM Xavion on iPad3
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